Since the year 2001, Ohioans have been able to choose their electricity supplier, the company that arranges for electricity that’s generated to be served to customers via their local utility. Electricity Suppliers buy the generated electricity and resell to customers.
With electricity supplier choice, consumers can go to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) website and access Energy Choice Ohio at and compare rates and energy-source options from electricity suppliers in their area. A search of Energy Choice Ohio for the Toledo Edison region reveals a plethora of electricity suppliers offering competitive rates and fixed contracts, with some suppliers offering electricity generated with renewable energy.
“There’s several reasons that a consumer might be interested (in choosing their electricity supplier),” Matt Shilling, Spokesman for PUCO, said, “One is probably the most common (which) is simply price… there are retail suppliers out there that can save you money. Another benefit is your ability to lock in fixed rates over a period of time, you can sign up for long term fixed prices through the competitive retail market, some consumers find that valuable. There is also the ability to purchase electricity from suppliers that are going to source their energy from a significant portion or all renewable energy, which may not be the cheapest source, but someone might be environmentally conscious and want to pursue retail supply offers that are going to support that effort.”
“I just stuck with Toledo Edison,” Phoebe, 43, of Toledo’s Old West End, said. “My (electric) bill isn’t very expensive, typically averaging $40 in winter and $130 as the highest (in July). I’ve talked to some people who switched but then their bill went up… I guess I would rather not keep switching around and stay (with Toledo Edison).”
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Currently, according to PUCO, in the Toledo Edison region, 72.5% of customers have chosen a competitive electricity supplier as their provider of electricity, with only 27.5% not choosing one and going with Toledo Edison to provide the electricity, which does so at the rate of 9.65 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh). About 71% of the customers who have chosen a competitive electricity supplier have done so through a local government aggregation program. Aggregation is where a group buys electricity or natural gas as a block, often achieving a more competitive rate. In the Toledo area, the Northwest Ohio Aggregation Coalition (NOAC) buys its electricity from Energy Harbor beginning in June 2022 and the program runs through May 2025. Toledo residents’ rate for electricity with this plan is 6.3 cents per kWh, 3 cents per kWh cheaper than if you opt to just go with Toledo Edison. That would amount to approximately a $15 savings on 500 kWh of electricity usage in a month.
The Renewable Energy Option
Since the electrons that flow from electricity generation to one’s home cannot be distinguished as generated from conventional power – coal, natural gas, oil – or renewable energy – solar, wind, hydroelectric – Renewable Energy Certificates or RECs were established so that consumers can support renewable energy generation with their purchasing of electricity.
RECs are issued when one megawatt-hour (MWh) of electricity is generated and delivered to the electricity grid from a renewable energy resource. Regional Grid Operators that coordinate the movement of wholesale electricity, like the company PJM, issue, track and monitor RECs. Electricity suppliers that want to offer renewable energy-generated electricity buy RECs. According to a video put out by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, “RECs are the currency of the renewable energy market.” The money from the purchase of RECs goes to the wind farm, solar farm, or other renewable source from which the electricity is generated. By signing up with an electricity supplier that buys RECs you’re providing revenue to support renewable energy projects and helping to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change.
Clean Choice Energy ( offers 100% wind and solar-generated electricity in the Toledo area for 9.5 cents per kWh for 12 months. “CleanChoice is proud to serve more than 22,000 customers in Ohio with 100% clean energy,” Erin Guthrie, a Press Spokeswoman with Clean Choice, said. “When a person signs up for clean energy with CleanChoice, we will both supply their home with power and purchase renewable energy certificates (RECs) on their behalf. We have high standards for our REC purchases. We only purchase from newer wind and solar facilities, in order to support the growth of jobs in the renewable energy industry. We also strive to purchase from wind and solar farms in the areas where our customers live, bringing cleaner air closer to home.”
Asked what she thinks of the idea of buying electricity generated from solar and wind power, Phoebe said: “I’m all for it – (I’d switch) if it was available and cost was comparable to what I pay now, I’m just not aware of it in my neighborhood.” It’s a reason to go to Energy Choice Ohio and search for electricity supplier offers in your area.
Learn more about your energy providers at Energy Choice Ohio’s website: