The Uptown blocks of Adams Street houses establishments that embrace all walks of life where everyone feel safes and welcome. George Thompson grew up in East Toledo and worked in several fields — hospice director, operated a retail jewelry store, managed a carry-out and served at other bars — prior to opening Georgjz419 five years ago. After some professional and personal soul searching, Thompson was drawn back to the bar industry with a mission to create a bar for everyone, a safe haven to be who you are.
Georgjz419, 1205 Adams Street is a favored downtown destination.
Thompson explains that he chose Adams Street to open his bar because of neighboring proprietors. Seeing both the patrons and business owners in the area as free-willed and open-minded, Thompson was attracted to the family-like community where everyone works together and looks out for each other.
Five years after opening the doors on the street level venue, Thompson plans to open another lounge area on the second floor. To celebrate five years in business, Georgjz419 is hosting a block party on July 31st with proceeds benefiting Equality Toledo. If you miss the block party, stop by for the after-Pride party following Pride Live @ the Park on August 21st.
Name: George Thompson
Years lived in Toledo: My entire life.
My story, in one sentence: No limitations.
Songs that describe my ideal self: “Imagine” by John Lennon, “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga, “We Are Family” by Sister Sledge.
What I’m doing, and what I want to achieve: Georgjz419 is a gay-owned and operated, straight-friendly establishment that provides Toledo with a bar for everyone. It welcomes everyone without prejudice, creating a safe haven to be who you are. I want Toledo to understand that while Adams Street may be stereotyped as the part of town where “hipsters” and the LGTBQIA+ crowd congregate, over time it has become a place where you’ll see people from all walks of life come to visit the businesses and have a good time.
If I could change one thing about Toledo: I want Toledo to become more aware of what Adams Street has to offer. Adams Street is an entertainment district that creates revenue for the City and the district needs attention, in the form of lighting and pavement repairs, to bring this vintage street into the twenty-first century.
If I knew I could get away with it, I would: Provide a support group uniting the elderly with orphaned youth. With both groups lacking family, the elderly could provide wisdom and love to displaced youth while developing a sense of community spending time with others.
The artists and musicians I love: James Taylor, Led Zeppelin, Johnny Rodriquez, Anita Baker.
Toledoans I most admire: Jamie Farr and Danny Thomas
My favorite local people to follow on social media are: Old West End Association, Equality Toledo
For more information on Georgjz419, please visit https://www.facebook.com/GeorgjzToledo