Sunday, February 16, 2025

War- what is it good for

You've heard the story — on Halloween night, 1938, Orson Welles adapted H.G. Wells' landmark alien-invasion thriller War of the Worlds as a fake news broadcast, and America flew into panic, thinking the Martians had landed. Well, it's a great story, but probably exaggerated — people weren't any stupider back then. But the Toledo Rep is bringing Welles radio drama to the stage October 26 & 27, and it's still a sharp and scary piece of work. Welles invented some of the tricks of today's found-footage horror flicks decades ago. When news crews fall into panic as the Martian death-rays come out, it'll still give a pleasant little chill.

$15. 8pm. 16 10th St. 419-243-9277. —MD

You've heard the story — on Halloween night, 1938, Orson Welles adapted H.G. Wells' landmark alien-invasion thriller War of the Worlds as a fake news broadcast, and America flew into panic, thinking the Martians had landed. Well, it's a great story, but probably exaggerated — people weren't any stupider back then. But the Toledo Rep is bringing Welles radio drama to the stage October 26 & 27, and it's still a sharp and scary piece of work. Welles invented some of the tricks of today's found-footage horror flicks decades ago. When news crews fall into panic as the Martian death-rays come out, it'll still give a pleasant little chill.

$15. 8pm. 16 10th St. 419-243-9277. —MD

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