The Toledo Village Players After Dark introduces F2M, a glimpse into the life of Parker, a transgender college student. Patricia Wettig’s heartfelt play focuses on the confrontations that occur when Parker’s famous progenitors show up uninvited to parents’ weekend. Painfully witty, this reading will illuminate the challenges of sexual identity, family trials and the struggles of acceptance and love. 8pm. Friday, April 7 and Saturday, April 8. $10. The Village Players, 2740 Upton Rd., 419-472-6817.
The Toledo Village Players After Dark introduces F2M
The Toledo Village Players After Dark introduces F2M, a glimpse into the life of Parker, a transgender college student. Patricia Wettig’s heartfelt play focuses on the confrontations that occur when Parker’s famous progenitors show up uninvited to parents’ weekend. Painfully witty, this reading will illuminate the challenges of sexual identity, family trials and the struggles of acceptance and love. 8pm. Friday, April 7 and Saturday, April 8. $10. The Village Players, 2740 Upton Rd., 419-472-6817.