Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Toledo Rep seeks new plays by local playwrights

Dig out that dusty stage play you wrote back in college or during that one summer when you were feeling especially dramatic— The Toledo Rep wants to see it. “Toledo Voices” is the Rep’s ongoing program aimed at local would-be playwrights who want to see their unproduced works performed via a series of readings at the theater. The Rep is now accepting manuscripts— hard copies only/securely bound/no electronic submissions— for the 2018 season and all readings will be performed on one of three Saturdays: February 24, March 31 or April 28. Send in your work and a cover letter by Friday, December 22 to Toledo Repertoire Theatre, ATTN: Toledo Voices, 16 10th Street, Toledo, Ohio 43604. Winners will be notified by January 8. Exit stage left and get your submission in now! 

Dig out that dusty stage play you wrote back in college or during that one summer when you were feeling especially dramatic— The Toledo Rep wants to see it. “Toledo Voices” is the Rep’s ongoing program aimed at local would-be playwrights who want to see their unproduced works performed via a series of readings at the theater. The Rep is now accepting manuscripts— hard copies only/securely bound/no electronic submissions— for the 2018 season and all readings will be performed on one of three Saturdays: February 24, March 31 or April 28. Send in your work and a cover letter by Friday, December 22 to Toledo Repertoire Theatre, ATTN: Toledo Voices, 16 10th Street, Toledo, Ohio 43604. Winners will be notified by January 8. Exit stage left and get your submission in now! 

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