Friday, February 7, 2025

Northview Theatre Boosters and the Sylvania Community Arts Commission Present Urine

Well, Urinetown— which is what happens when a government-enforced ban on private toilets is used to solve a water crisis. While the ban controls water consumption by forcing people to pay to use the amenities, it doesn’t do much to adjust basic biological functions, so offenders are sent to penal colonies called Urinetown. See the sidesplitting, satirical musical, presented by the Northview Theatre Boosters and the Sylvania Community Arts Commission, during a four day run. August 18-20. 7:30pm Thursday-Saturday, 2:30pm Sunday. $12/adults, $10/students and seniors.

Northview High School Performing Arts Center
5403 Silica Dr. | Sylvania
419-824-8570 |

Well, Urinetown— which is what happens when a government-enforced ban on private toilets is used to solve a water crisis. While the ban controls water consumption by forcing people to pay to use the amenities, it doesn’t do much to adjust basic biological functions, so offenders are sent to penal colonies called Urinetown. See the sidesplitting, satirical musical, presented by the Northview Theatre Boosters and the Sylvania Community Arts Commission, during a four day run. August 18-20. 7:30pm Thursday-Saturday, 2:30pm Sunday. $12/adults, $10/students and seniors.

Northview High School Performing Arts Center
5403 Silica Dr. | Sylvania
419-824-8570 |

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