Friday, February 7, 2025

Femme fatale flashbacks

Adapted from the 1942 novel of the same title, the brilliant murder mystery Laura dives into the mysterious, enigmatic life of Laura, the murder victim of a shotgun blast. When Detective Mark McPherson begins to study the case, the mysterious femme fatale comes to life through her beautiful portrait, letters, personal effects and the three men who loved her. Just as the good Detective begins to fall in love with her memory, the hard boiled babe appears very much alive  as the prime suspect. Will the Detective's love prevent a fair investigation? Is the real murderer on the streets, waiting for a second chance to kill Laura? Is Laura in danger or the danger?

8pm, November 7, 8, 13, 14 and 15. 2:30pm, November 8, 16 and 18. $20/adults, $18/seniors, $10/students 13 and older, $5/students 12 and under, $17 per groups of 10 or more. The Toledo Repertoire Theatre, 16 10th St., 419-243-9277.

Adapted from the 1942 novel of the same title, the brilliant murder mystery Laura dives into the mysterious, enigmatic life of Laura, the murder victim of a shotgun blast. When Detective Mark McPherson begins to study the case, the mysterious femme fatale comes to life through her beautiful portrait, letters, personal effects and the three men who loved her. Just as the good Detective begins to fall in love with her memory, the hard boiled babe appears very much alive  as the prime suspect. Will the Detective's love prevent a fair investigation? Is the real murderer on the streets, waiting for a second chance to kill Laura? Is Laura in danger or the danger?

8pm, November 7, 8, 13, 14 and 15. 2:30pm, November 8, 16 and 18. $20/adults, $18/seniors, $10/students 13 and older, $5/students 12 and under, $17 per groups of 10 or more. The Toledo Repertoire Theatre, 16 10th St., 419-243-9277.

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