This year, Toledo City Paper sought out true individuals to participate in Toledo GQ. We asked men from all walks of life for thoughts on their own style of dress, their influences, where they try to look their best— and why. We also asked them about their place in the community, and how Toledo’s core values impact and shape our ideas of how we look every day.
We all live at the intersection of style and substance. Meet some of the men who bring their own flair to Glass City living.
Floyd Anderson
37 years old
Beauty Advisor at Sephora inside JCP; drag performer as Deja D. Dellataro
What does style mean to you?
It’s an expression of yourself. Especially in the current situation we’re all in; with masks and social distancing, personal style is now speaking for many of us.
What’s the most important tip to looking good?
Be confident. Not everyone is a 10…I’m far from a “10.” My motto is “looks of a 6, confidence of a 10.”
What do you think is your trademark “look?”
Ha! Graphic tees and jeans. They’re timeless, and who doesn’t like to represent their favorite TV show, social movement or superhero?
What’s a terrible men’s fashion choice?
Hmmmm…the “male romper.” Mainly because I could never find one in my size and they just looked so uncomfortable. Like, how do you go to the bathroom?
Do you have a style influence— someone you look up to as far as how you look?
Not really. To be honest, if I like it I’ll get it. I will say if ever I could pull off a style influence…Billy Porter.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Oy…to look “presentable,” I’ll say 45 minutes. I’m sure my friends are rolling their eyes at my answer. I stand by my statement.
What color do you wear most often?
Where do you shop for clothes locally?
House of Dow and Jupmode. Especially House of Dow if I’m in a vintage/throwback mood. Which is 90% of the time.
How important is looking good in your line of work?
Pre-mask very much so. However, we (at Sephora inside JCP) have become a bit more relaxed with appearance.
Name a place in Toledo where you always try to look your best.
The Heights.
What advice would you give someone trying to find their own personal style?
Be you. There’s only one of you. Make YOU count. Remember “style” is a reflection of your personality.
How does Deja influence Floyd’s attitude and sense of style?
The “Who cares what others think? Do you, boo.”
Do you spend more money on Deja’s wardrobe or Floyd’s?
Deja…she has a style beyond this realm of earth. It’s quite scary sometimes. Let’s just say my bank account and her don’t get along.
How do people who know you from the radio react when they see you in real life?
It’s always shock. They always catch me looking like a hot mess in the snack aisle of the grocery store.
Who in Toledo do you most look up to?
Easily my mother…Miss Donna. She’s a diva herself.
What’s one place that you wish Deja could go that you haven’t taken her to yet?
Stateside: NYC (I’ve been many times as Floyd but would love to perform as Deja there). Overseas: Australia.
Rob Campbell
49 years old
Chef and owner, Chef Rob’s Side Hustle Pizza
What does style mean to you?
I suppose your personal style is how you want to present and express yourself.
What do you think is your trademark “look?”
My wife tells me my style is “lumber chic.”
What’s a terrible men’s fashion choice?
Do you have a style influence— someone you look up to as far as how you look?
I’ve always been 80’s preppy kind of guy— Ralph Lauren and that sort of thing has always been my style my whole life.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Usually it’s just getting up and throwing chef clothes on, you know what I mean? I usually get ready pretty quick, although my daughter often makes fun of me, that it takes me longer to do my hair than it does her.
What color do you wear most often?
I wear a lot of colors. I’m not stuck in one color.
Where do you shop for clothes locally?
Usually it’s Macy’s.
How important is looking good in your line of work?
I was in the military when I was young, so my jacket’s always been clean and pressed. I’ve always had my own little chef schtick— I think I was the last guy out there to not wear a white jacket, now no one wears white jackets.
Name a place in Toledo where you always try to look your best.
When I get the chance to go out to eat. I always try to dress for those occasions.
What advice would you give someone trying to find their own personal style?
Just be yourself, really. You should want to look nice.
Do you think about how you look when you’re on the job?
Yeah. I’ve become a bit more casual recently on the food truck, but I always try to look good. I’ve worked in a lot of open kitchens, I think it’s good for people to see you— if you keep yourself right, your kitchen’s right, you know?
Tell us a bit about the history of Side Hustle Pizza.
Side Hustle is a Coronavirus-inspired business. When I got laid off from my chef job, I immediately found something to do. I bought this camper-trailer from the restaurant group that I was running.
What do you think is the trademark Chef Rob dish?
I’m most known for the Chicken Schnitzel from Revolution Grill, it’s the dish that has probably followed me the most.
Where do you go for dinner when you aren’t working?
I love Registry Bistro, I love Tango’s, the Beirut.
What’s the most unique pizza you offer?
The Funky Monkey is probably the most creative. It’s got white sauce, gorgonzola, sausage, fresh arugula and truffle oil when it comes out of the oven.
Justin Carter
42 years old
Vice president and general manager of Hollywood Casino
What does style mean to you?
It’s a personal expression to me. It really tells something about your individuality, who you are as a person. I remember my mom: We didn’t have much money growing up. And she used to always tell me, you don’t have to spend all of your money to have nice things. So I always took that to heart.
What’s the most important tip to looking good?
Be yourself. You don’t have to try to be someone else. Also, wear things that fit you. I lived in the UK for a while, and I’ll never forget, I went to go get my first suit altered, and the tailor in no uncertain terms said, “You must be American!” And I was like, “What are you talking about?” And he said, “Every time I meet Americans, you guys never buy clothes that fit. You need to throw this away!”
What do you think is your trademark “look?”
I like business, with a splash of something extra. … Whether it’s some funky socks, or whether it’s a really cool accessory, I really like to, where I can, add something that’s just a little bit of flavor, of my own personality, in the confines of the business place.
What’s a terrible men’s fashion choice?
Grown men wearing skinny jeans. I think there’s a time limit on those!
Do you have a style influence— someone you look up to as far as how you look?
My mom, who gave me that great piece of advice— it’s what you use, or what you have. That’s really my influence in trying to make everything special.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Longer than my wife, which she makes fun of me (for). The typical morning, I don’t have too much of a crazy routine. I don’t have too much hair anyway, so that helps. … About 30 minutes, and I’m usually able to get out the door.
What color do you wear most often?
Blue. I don’t know why, but I looked at my clothes and I was like, “Damn, I have a lot of blue!”
Where do you shop for clothes locally?
The guys over at V Collection, and House of Him, they do great, and I bother them and convince them to make really cool, funky things when I have the chance.
How important is looking good in your line of work?
It’s extremely important. Not saying you can’t wear a polo, because you can, but you’re dealing with so many different people at different levels. … So having that professionalism, that sense that you can talk to anyone— from the biggest spender, to the person who is just coming in for a good night out. It’s really important that you project that sense of, not only empathy, but professionalism.
Name a place in Toledo where you always try to look your best.
Everybody knows each other in Toledo. And you won’t know who you’ll bump into. And I’ve bumped into all types of people, everywhere. So I always try to be semblance of on-point, no matter where I go.
What advice would you give someone trying to find their own personal style?
Find something you like, and work with it. Work with something you like, and don’t be afraid to take risks. If you’ve never worn a shirt that’s not solid, try it out! If you feel horrible that day, don’t wear it again! But try something different.
What has been your impression of Toledo since you began working here?
Toledo has been so welcoming of me, my family. Being able to quickly become part of the community, whether it be through the Chamber, whether it be through the American Cancer Society, and all of the different things available— I couldn’t be happier.
What kind of style do you think Hollywood Casino brings to the Toledo area?
It’s kind of in our name. You come here, you can go as big as you want, you can be that person, you’re the star of the day.
You worked as a chemist before beginning to work in gaming, right? What inspired that transition?
I got into management, and after business school, I got recruited by Caesar’s Entertainment. And I’ll never forget, I was at a convention and I saw them, they got to know me, I got to know them. And all I could think was, “Damn, these people look like they’re having a lot of fun.” And I thought about my lab, and I thought about going back to the plant and mixing vats of chemicals. And I said, “Boy, I think they have a lot more fun than I do at work!”
What has the process been like in reopening in the past few months?
It’s been very complicated, just like every other business in Toledo. I can’t thank the Board of Health and everyone involved enough for just helping us through the process. I don’t know how it was in different cities, but it was a collaboration here, where we worked together to get to a solution that essentially kept people safe.
Do you enjoy gaming yourself when you’re not on the clock?
I do. It’s kind of like working at McDonald’s and not liking the fries. You gotta like the fries, right? Even though I’m not an avid gambler, if I’m in Vegas or in a casino in a state that I’m allowed to gamble, by regulations, I definitely would dabble.
Lee Conklin
58 years old
Anchor, 13abc News
What does style mean to you?
It means being myself.
What’s the most important tip to looking good?
Being authentic. It’s always been kind of my mantra, over the 35 years I’ve been doing this— closer to 40— try not to be who I can’t be.
What do you think is your trademark “look?”
It kind of runs the gamut. Generally over the years, it has been a Hart Schaffner Marx suit from Dillard’s. … Mark is generally the guy that I go to at Dillard’s, he helps me out a lot. (Off-camera), it is usually a pullover, shorts normally, always ready for a run.
What’s a terrible men’s fashion choice?
Dark suit, dark shirts. I like a classic dark suit with a white shirt. When I was hired almost 30 years ago at Channel 13 … I had worked in radio, I didn’t have many suits. And I had this preppy (outfit)— basically I looked like Skippy from high school. And the general manager said, come back in a different suit and let’s do this again. And I did, and I got a “big boy” suit, and he hired me.
Do you have a style influence— someone you look up to as far as how you look?
(Bruce) Gradkowski looks great in a suit.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
It doesn’t take long, ten minutes. Literally shower and put this on, and I’m ready to go. Work’s a little bit different, I actually have to do something with the hair. But although with guys, short hair, you don’t have to do much. … I can do it in a half an hour.
What color do you wear most often?
At work, probably blue, dark blue or charcoal. On the go, blacks and blues.
Where do you shop for clothes locally?
I love Stein Mart ties, and some dress shirts. The only problem is, Stein Mart is going out of business here. And they had good name brands at pretty good prices. Never pay full price for a tie.
How important is looking good in your line of work?
It’s important in terms of your on-air product, you don’t want it to be sloppy, the way you deliver things. You want it to be friendly, buttoned up. And that’s the way, I think, we as a station and me personally want to present ourselves.
Name a place in Toledo where you always try to look your best.
When I’m MCing events, and there are quite a few of those. I want to look professional. And, of course, at work.
What advice would you give someone trying to find their own personal style?
Something has to be comfortable for you. And I think if something fits, that’s probably the most important thing. If it fits right, it will make you feel right.
Are people surprised when they see you in public, based upon your everyday attire?
Sometimes. They’ll say, “gee, it’s the news guy!” or “it’s Lee Conklin!” And I’ll just talk to them, and they’ll understand right away that I am just a regular dude. By now, I’ve been here so long, and done this so long, I feel like I’ve met everyone.
Is there any more work that has to be done to get “camera ready” once you’ve arrived at the station?
I generally put powder on, because you’re going to shine up. I don’t put seven layers of makeup on— I probably should, at this point.
Who is the most striking person you’ve ever interviewed?
Barack Obama, and he wears a suit well.
Where do you go when you want to get away from it all?
We love the Metroparks. My wife and I, we’re there a lot. Oak Openings is our favorite because it’s so big, and it’s a chance for me to get out and run around, and for the most part be alone.
If you had to sum up Toledo news this year, how would you do it?
I think I’m like most people— I would like to go to a restaurant, take my mask off, just relax, have some coffee, and talk to somebody face to face and not worry about (the pandemic). Unfortunately, we’re still here. We’re healthy at work— they’ve done a great job. All of our reporters have worked remotely, still not back in the building. I miss co-anchoring with Diane and Christian— we anchor separately. I miss that.
Bruce Gradkowski
37 years old
Entrepreneur. Owner of Social in Perrysburg, a hospice company in Pittsburgh, and regular guest on a few shows on Sirius FM NFL Radio.
What does style mean to you?
I think style depends on what makes you happy. I think it depends on the occasion. I think style looks clean and fresh, and it could sweatpants and a sweatshirt, or it could be jeans and a sweater, jeans and a button-up shirt, it could be a suit, it could be a sports jacket with slacks. I think style depends on the occasion, but I think style overall depends on the person, what they enjoy and the look that they’re going for.
What’s the most important tip to looking good?
I think it’s always clean when someone has nice shoes on. Whether you have a fresh pair of Nikes, or a nice pair of leather dress shoes. I think it just, to me, it’s looking clean. It’s looking put together.
What do you think is your trademark “look?”
Honestly, I feel like I’m a chameleon. It depends upon what I’m doing. When I’m in the house with the kids, I’ve got Lululemon pants on and I always like the long-sleeve, comfortable hoodie-type shirts. But if not, I’m in Paige Jeans, which are super-comfy. They almost feel like men’s yoga pants. Sometimes my family gives me a hard time for it, because they’re a little tight.
Do you have a style influence— someone you look up to as far as how you look?
Locally, Valentine (Ononye), a buddy of mine— he owns V Couture in Perrysburg, and then he owns [V Concept] in Sylvania…he’s got me fitted up for my media stuff and any TV appearances.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Not very long. I’ll put it this way, I just had to get ready to leave now, because I’m headed to a meeting. And today, I had to shave. So it just all depends. I don’t have hair, so I don’t have to worry about styling it. But when I do have to shave, I have to shave my face and my head, so that can be a bit more of a process. I do take longer than my wife, I’ll be honest.
What color do you wear most often?
I always like black. I feel like a lot of my t-shirts and sweatshirts are black. But I feel like in the summertime this year, I’ve been wearing a lot of blue and pink. Like, I have a blue and pink checkered shirt I like. So to me, honestly, it just depends. I like a hotter-type color, I like something that stands out a little bit, especially in the summertime.
Where do you shop for clothes locally?
Valentine has probably taken care of me the most, and some of my dress shirts are State and Liberty. They’re a very comfortable fit, and for me, a lot of my work is, I’m traveling, I’m on the road, I’m always driving. So for me, a comfortable pair of jeans like Paige and a State and Liberty shirt— I could actually get a workout in with it.
How important is looking good in your line of work?
Even with Zoom calls and everything that’s been going on with the pandemic, I think it really makes a difference. If you’re on a Zoom call and you have a t-shirt on, or if you’re on a Zoom call and you have a collared shirt on, it brings off a different vibe.
Name a place in Toledo where you always try to look your best.
Social Gastropub, baby. And church.
What advice would you give someone trying to find their own personal style?
I think we all do need a friend who is maybe hip on the industry. That’s where Valentine has helped me out. But also, too, with that, they help you steer in a direction of what you like, but also to give you ideas and opinions, and then you can figure out what you’re comfortable with, and in.
How has your attitude toward style changed from your time in football until now?
It changed a lot, because every day I went to practice— say I’m playing for the Oakland Raiders or the Pittsburgh Steelers, that’s all I’m wearing is Steelers gear, Raiders gear. On my way to practice, during practice, leaving practice. But then, when I was playing football, when we traveled and went on a trip to away games, or even home games, you always did dress very nice. And that’s where you had to step up your game, as far as style, because you knew a lot of the other players were going to look good as well.
Is your own personal style reflected in the decor of Social Gastropub?
I feel like Social is what I like. I’ve always liked fancy-meets-rustic. We have the real nice, fancy chandeliers, we have some rustic wood. And I like that, I think that’s me. I think I like nice things, but I’m also just down-to-earth and want to enjoy a normal meal, or good food.
What changes have you seen at Social Gastropub in the past few months?
Business, especially restaurants, it’s ever-changing— especially now during COVID. You have to adapt, you have to be light on your feet, you have to continue to move and try to grow. And I think we’ve done that. And I’m really appreciative of the community that has still come out and had a nice meal, went on a date, because it’s important for our well-being. We have to be cautious and careful, and I think we’ve done a tremendous job following all the guidelines at Social, to keep not only the community safe, but also our employees. It’s very important to me that we have a clean restaurant and good protocols that we follow. And our staff has done a wonderful job in that sense.
What’s one surprising hobby you enjoy?
I really enjoy movies. I just feel like a movie at a time to get away and forget about anything and everything you have going on, and really dive into what’s going on in a movie and just enjoy it for a few hours. It’s a time to get away.
Kodi Klocinski
29 years old
Owner/Artist of Toledo Tattoo Company
What does style mean to you?
I feel that style is really what makes you unique.
What’s the most important tip to looking good?
Keeping that beard lined up! Wearing clothes that fit is probably the most important for me. This is always an issue with me because I am short, so getting clothes altered is a must. Also smelling good is very important!
What do you think is your trademark “look?”
Most likely T-shirt with my business logo on it, shorts, snapback hat and definitely Vans shoes.
What’s a terrible men’s fashion choice?
The worst fashion choice in my opinion is pants sagging, no one wants to see that and it looks completely ridiculous.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
About 45 minutes— trying to choose what black shirt to wear for the day.
What color do you wear most often?
Black. My closet looks like Darth Vader’s.
Where do you shop for clothes locally?
Szar’s Mens Shop in Point Place!
How important is looking good in your line of work?
My normal clothing while in the studio is a lot of the same due to my line of work. I ruin a lot of clothes by spilling ink on myself. The real reason I wear mostly black!
Name a place in Toledo where you always try to look your best.
Hollywood Casino, one of my favorite places to go!
What advice would you give someone trying to find their own personal style?
I think a lot of times people wear articles of clothing because they see others wearing them…not necessarily what they like but just want to fit in. So my advice would be don’t be afraid to go out of the box and wear something different. If you like those neon orange shoes, rock ‘em!
How can a tattoo reflect and amplify someone’s personal style?
With a tattoo, you can change someone’s total appearance. Mostly I think it helps with a person’s personal confidence and helps them not be a cookie-cutter individual.
What is the flat-out coolest tattoo you’ve ever made?
That’s a hard question. I’ve been tattooing for almost 12 years so there have been a ton of super fun tattoos. I would have to say I enjoy every tattoo that I have artistic freedom on, being able to put one of my original drawings on someone is always the best.
Do you choose your clothes to accentuate or conceal your tats?
I do not. I think maybe when I was younger I would choose clothes that would show my tattoos, but now they are all over my body and pretty visible with whatever I’m wearing.
Tell us a bit about the history of Toledo Tattoo:
Toledo Tattoo Company was established in 1978. It is Toledo’s oldest and most respected tattoo studio. My father was a tattooer, and with him being a single father, I was raised in the studio. During my years at Central Catholic High School, I would take the bus straight to the tattoo studio after school and do my apprenticeship. The summer after graduation, I turned 18 and started tattooing professionally.
I worked side-by-side with my father. He passed away a little over two years ago and I took over ownership of the tattoo studio. I recently purchased a building to give a permanent location to Toledo Tattoo in Point Place. We currently have four tattoo artists (Curtis Ely, Chris Wodarski, Dick Eckman and myself), ranging in tattooing styles from traditional to realism. There is nothing we cannot do.
What’s your favorite place to hang out when you’re not on the job?
My favorite place to hang out when I’m not catching the world would be Home Slice Pizza Downtown! Best pizza around and the upstairs bar is the home of my studio’s personal art gallery, featuring artwork by the artists of Toledo Tattoo Company.
Daryl Layson
26 years old
Customer Marketing Associate at LinkedIn; Fashion Blogger,
What does style mean to you?
To me, style means wearing what you like and what you feel confident in. I’m a firm believer that whatever you wear should make you feel good and look good.
What’s the most important tip to looking good?
While “looking good” is relative to the eye of the beholder, for me, I think two of the most important tips to looking good are 1) grooming, and 2) ensuring proper fit. In my opinion, you can be wearing the most fly fit, but the look isn’t 100% at its best until grooming is up to par. Grooming is the icing on the cake. Additionally, well-fitted clothing is always visually appealing. By well-fitted, I don’t mean too large/baggy or too small/tight, I mean perfectly fitting to your body make-up.
What do you think is your trademark “look?”
Since I’ve been growing out my hair, I think my trademark clothing item has definitely become the bandana. I wear them quite often and I dress it up and dress it down.
What’s a terrible men’s fashion choice?
I am not a fan of fanny packs! I know they’ve definitely made a comeback, but I’m not a fan— especially worn across the chest/shoulder. Also, never wear athletic socks with suit/dress pants— never.
Do you have a style influence— someone you look up to as far as how you look?
I don’t think I necessarily have a style influence since I’d consider my style to be quite versatile. I get inspiration from everyone. However, I can say that the importance of personal style, outer appearance, and how you present yourself was passed down from my grandparents, to my parents, and to my brothers and I. I’ve always been taught how important first impressions are and you never know when, where, or how certain opportunities may arise, so you want to always ensure you’re presentable and neat.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Clothing wise, not long at all— I typically piece together what I’m going to wear the following day before I go to sleep at night. However, my hair can take a while since I have to style it. The longer it gets, the more work it requires.
What color do you wear most often?
I am definitely a fan of your basic blues, grays, white, and black.
Where do you shop for clothes locally?
I like to visit House of Dow every now and then to find some hidden gems. While this is not a local Toledo store, I also like to visit Rag O’ Rama in Columbus, Ohio to seek out some secondhand gems.
How important is looking good in your line of work?
Working in a corporate environment, I think there’s always a certain level of professionalism in terms of dress that is expected, but I wouldn’t say there’s a huge emphasis on “looking good” such as maybe there would be if you were working in a more appearance-heavy industry like the fashion or beauty industry, for example.
Name a place in Toledo where you always try to look your best.
I always try to look my best at all the coffeeshops I visit; I’m guaranteed to see at least one person I know there!
What advice would you give someone trying to find their own personal style?
Don’t be afraid to experiment— try on things you know you like, try on things that initially may make you feel uncomfortable, and try on various colors and fits. As you experiment, you’ll begin to learn what you do and don’t like, what colors look good on you, which fits nicely compliment your body, and what you feel confident in.
For the visual learner, do a quick Google image search to find visual examples of various styles you like and use those photos as inspiration to experiment with re-creating the look until you find a style you love and feel confident wearing.
What inspired you to create
I created because I’ve always had a passion for fashion and styling and have always had a natural eye for piecing articles of clothing together to create a dapper look. I wanted to find a way I could share inspiration, tips and advice with other men who desire to improve their personal style.
What makes your perspective on style valuable, in your opinion?
I think my perspective on style is valuable because not only do I have a natural interest and passion for fashion and styling, but I’ve also truly immersed myself into the world of fashion by subscribing to and regularly reading fashion magazines, online publications, fashion blogs, following fashion brands social accounts, following fashion PR agencies social accounts, and also reading informational books covering fashion topics from a historical perspective. All of these reference channels keep me abreast of industry news, trends, and historical information.
How have your views on fashion and personal style changed since you started the blog?
I don’t know that I’d say my views has changed, however, given the current climate of the world around racial discrimination and stereotyping, I’m reminded of the importance to fight against and break down the stereotypes placed on POC based on our style of dress.
Some small ways I’ve been intentional in fighting against stereotypes is by choosing to wear my Jordan tennis shoes and a hoodie, for example, to work on dress down Fridays, proudly wearing my well-maintained braids/afro, both, in and out of the workplace, and regularly wearing my bandanas— which are all styles and items of clothing that’s often associated with being a “thug”, especially when worn by a black male. My point is to prove and normalize the thought that just because I’m a black male who chooses to wear a particular type of clothing and wear a certain style, doesn’t mean that I’m a thug or person to be feared— I am smart, I am college educated, I am a white collar professional, and I am not a threat, no matter what I choose to wear.
If you had to sum up Toledo’s “style,” how would you describe it?
I would simply describe Toledo’s style as “unique” and “groovy”.
Name one thing in men’s clothing that is “in,” and one that is “out” right now.
In: Short shorts (show off the thighs!) and cross-body bags. Out: Long shorts (below knee-length).
Carlos Mendez
49 years old
Owner of Carlos Restaurants: Cocina de Carlos, Carlos Poco Loco, Carlos Que Pasa
What does style mean to you?
The most important aspect of my style is comfort without losing presence. I like to dress more casually simply because while being at the restaurant I could start the shift off front of house with our hostesses and move to back of house to help out in the kitchen. Because of my quick change of job roles, I need to make sure my apparel does not inconvenience me.
What’s the most important tip to looking good?
My most important tip to looking good is (without overdoing it) showing your confidence as a leader through your clothing and personality. You need to step up above others in your outside appearance to make sure your leadership as an owner is clear in your establishment.
What do you think is your trademark “look?”
My trademark look is a long sleeve button up, dark dress pants, dress shoes with a big smile underneath my mask.
What’s a terrible men’s fashion choice?
I’m not sure what a terrible fashion look would be. It is probably me!
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
It takes me about one hour to get ready in the morning. 20 minutes reading the news, 10-35 morning exercise/ stretching, 30 minutes to shower and get dressed. 3 times a week I upgrade my morning workout to 1 hour, and 10 minutes in the sauna.
What color do you wear most often?
Even though I love bright colors like red, green, orange and yellow, I usually choose to wear cooler colors like blue, white and khaki. I try to portray a serious personality when I am around my business even though I am a very bright and extroverted person. So because of that I try to match my mood to my clothing.
Where do you shop for clothes locally?
I love to support local businesses, but shopping is not for me. I don’t have the patience to shop more than one time a year. Fallen Timbers is usually my go-to.
How important is looking good in your line of work?
It is VERY important to show great style in the restaurant business. You need to show other individuals your great qualities and your first chance to do so is by what you decide to wear.
Name a place in Toledo where you always try to look your best.
Places in Toledo that I want to look good at are: 1. My job. 2. When I’m out with my wife. 3. Church
What advice would you give someone trying to find their own personal style?
My advice: 1. Be organized and clean. 2. Be comfortable. 3. If you feel like you don’t know anything about fashion, be like me and ask your wife or daughter
How does your own sense of style influence the look of Cocina de Carlos?
Cocina de Carlos is a very relaxed and chill place but at the same with its own unique twist. The decor is simple and elegant but with a pop of modern and color when you walk in the cantina. My personnel all wear our unique t-shirt designs (all local companies) and comfortable pants to make sure we are focusing all of our energy on giving great service to our customers.
Has your personal style changed during your time living in Toledo?
My style has not changed much over time but I will say the more successful I become in my business, the more that portrays on the outside. Sophistication comes from hard work and dedication.
What makes your restaurants unique in the Toledo area?
My restaurants are unique for many reasons. Cocina de Carlos is an extension of my own home. I am blessed enough to have 90% of my employees working with me for 3+ years. I’m sure that the outstanding atmosphere that we have within our team has reflected onto our customers. If Carlos is in a good mood = Cocina triumphs. If Carlos is in a bad mood = Cocina is bombarded with mistakes and complaints. But recently Carlos has been in a great mood because COVID has shown us all how nothing can tear us apart if we have faith, community, and motivation to work hard.
Where do you go for dinner when you aren’t working?
When I’m not working I love to eat at home. My wife and daughter are excellent in the kitchen so I love when they make dinner and I don’t have to do anything! Now if we do go out to eat, my preferred local restaurants are Swig, Stellas, Rose and Thistle, Nagoya, 5th street pizza, Benchmark, Zingos and, of course, Mr. Freeze.
What’s the best item on your menu right now to have on a date?
The best date night entree that we have on our menu would have to be the Pineapple Don Charly. Our different pineapples are packed with their unique flavor combinations and the size is perfect for sharing. But if you ask me what items are the BEST in my menu would be the rice and beans. The recipe has been perfected for years, to serve both meat eaters and my vegan amigos. Any dish with either rice or beans (I don’t like to eat both together) is the best meal ever for me.
Dan Watson
41 years old
Toledo Walleye Head Coach
What does style mean to you?
It is a way to show your personality through your clothing, haircut, shoes and accessories you wear. I believe everyone has their own unique style that could be influenced by someone else, but at the end of the day, what I choose to wear represents who I am.
What’s the most important tip to looking good?
Wear clothes that fit you the best.
What do you think is your trademark “look?”
When I’m on the bench coaching, I tend to wear a traditional or classic look. With the amount of games and times I need to wear a suit and tie, I usually bring in the flashy colors with my tie or socks. I love a crisp white dress shirt with a dark suit and a great tie.
What’s a terrible men’s fashion choice?
The one thing that comes to mind is socks with sandals. In terms of clothing, hair style, shoes, every person has their own personal style that works for them and I respect that.
Do you have a style influence— someone you look up to as far as how you look?
I really don’t have anyone that I look up to, maybe that’s an issue! I tend to keep everything simple and not overcomplicate my style.
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
I keep it very simple and can be ready in under 10 minutes most days.
What color do you wear most often?
I tend to wear darker colors like black, grey, and navy blue.
Where do you shop for clothes locally?
To be honest, most of my clothes I get online. I do shop at local men’s fashion stores when I get time, but I typically like the ease of purchasing clothes online and having them delivered to my house.
How important is looking good in your line of work?
As a coach, I believe we need to look professional when we are not on the ice. That doesn’t mean a suit all day and every day, but nice dress pants, button up shirt or golf shirt is what we (our staff) wear to work each day.
Name a place in Toledo where you always try to look your best.
The Huntington Center, behind the bench.
What advice would you give someone trying to find their own personal style?
Don’t try to be someone else, be yourself and let your personality take over.
How many different suits do you have? How do you decide which one to wear on any given night while coaching?
I have around seven suits and I wear them equally, unless we get on a good winning streak.
When you’re not coaching, how do you dress when you’re just going around town?
I have two different looks on a normal day. The first is very casual, typically the track suit we wear around the arena with a hoodie and hat. The second is the business-professional look with nice pants and some sort of collared shirt.
Who on your team is the most stylish when they’re not on the ice?
Assistant Coach, Andy Delmore.
Where is your favorite place to go in Toledo for a nice evening?
Inside the Huntington Center, especially after a big win.
What do you miss most about hockey in front of a live crowd?
I miss the atmosphere and energy that is created by our fans. It gives me goosebumps when the fans really get into the games.
Jarrod Del Vecchio
30 years old
Clinical Aesthetician, ADA Aesthetics
What is your trademark look?
It seems that people are surprised to ever see me in anything other than black medical scrubs and my bright blue work shoes. But yes, I do own and wear “normal people clothes” too.
What advice would you give someone trying to find their own personal style?
Personal style is all about embracing what makes you feel joy. Don’t choose things because they looked good in a magazine. Wear something that makes you smile and expresses the unique you.
What kind of services does ADA Aesthetics offer for better skin?
Our clinical aestheticians work under the delegation of Toledo’s top dermatologists and provide a range of services from customized facials, dermaplaning, chemical peels, Diamond Glow, collagen induction & more.
Where do you go when you want to feel cool?
The Toledo City Paper Best of Toledo awards!
Do you have any tips to give readers on how to help themselves improve their personal appearance?
Even when it’s tough, remember to smile. Not only can smiling make you more attractive, it can also make you look more youthful. The muscles we use to smile also lift the face making a person appear younger. So instead of opting for a facelift, just try smiling your way through the day— you’ll look younger and feel better.
Michael Stierman
39 Years Old
Nurse Practitioner at Dermatology Associates
What’s the most important tip to looking good?
Get measured by a professional and find a tailor you trust. If you are just getting started into style, buy the ensemble displayed on the mannequins or models that look best to you.
What does style mean to you?
Style is a timeless representation of yourself. A good match makes it go from looking great to iconic.
What’s a terrible men’s fashion choice?
A nose sticking out above a mask seems to be the biggest faux pas of 2020.
How important is looking good in your line of work?Dermatology is a balance between treating medical conditions while also addressing a client’s various cosmetic concerns. It is difficult to be a mentor in a client’s cosmetic journey if I do not reflect an overall respect for my own appearance and health.
Name a place in Toledo where you always try to look your best.
Kengo Yakitori and Sushi, and Benchmark.