Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Toledo According to Chris Ritter!

Age: 31
Occupation: Owner of Holey Toledough doughnuts 
​Toledoan since: I was born

I go to the Maumee River to fish for the best view in Toledo. 

(1) When out of towners visit, I always take them to the farmers market and The Toledo Zoo— the best zoo in the country.

  • Opal Covey is the Toledoan I most admire.

(2) The Sundance Kid Drive-In is my secret spot.

  • The hardest thing about living in Toledo is dealing with cold weather half of the year, but the best thing is all of our wonderful wildlife and metroparks— it’s a Midwestern Outdoorsman’s dream!
  • I always brag about Toledo’s revived sense of pride. 
  • Too many people think poorly about Toledo, but it’s wrong because… it is like they are thinking of a different city. Toledo has made huge improvements in the past 10 years, especially in the last few, and is developing and on track for another great generation ahead.
  • The street I drive/walk on most often is anything but I-75!

(3) Going to Kengo Sushi and Yakitori makes me feel like I am out of town.

  • Makers Mart at Handmade Toledo is my favorite annual event.  
  • My favorite neighborhood is Uptown, of course.
  • I wish Northtowne Mall was still open


Ritter’s one-year old startup company, Holey Toledough doughnuts,
has taken off and is now ready to open a storefront
and he’s seeking monetary donations to help make this possible.
Donations are being accepted at gofundme.com/holeytoledough
and there are even awards for different tiers of donations. 

Age: 31
Occupation: Owner of Holey Toledough doughnuts 
​Toledoan since: I was born

I go to the Maumee River to fish for the best view in Toledo. 

(1) When out of towners visit, I always take them to the farmers market and The Toledo Zoo— the best zoo in the country.

  • Opal Covey is the Toledoan I most admire.

(2) The Sundance Kid Drive-In is my secret spot.

  • The hardest thing about living in Toledo is dealing with cold weather half of the year, but the best thing is all of our wonderful wildlife and metroparks— it’s a Midwestern Outdoorsman’s dream!
  • I always brag about Toledo’s revived sense of pride. 
  • Too many people think poorly about Toledo, but it’s wrong because… it is like they are thinking of a different city. Toledo has made huge improvements in the past 10 years, especially in the last few, and is developing and on track for another great generation ahead.
  • The street I drive/walk on most often is anything but I-75!

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(3) Going to Kengo Sushi and Yakitori makes me feel like I am out of town.

  • Makers Mart at Handmade Toledo is my favorite annual event.  
  • My favorite neighborhood is Uptown, of course.
  • I wish Northtowne Mall was still open


Ritter’s one-year old startup company, Holey Toledough doughnuts,
has taken off and is now ready to open a storefront
and he’s seeking monetary donations to help make this possible.
Donations are being accepted at gofundme.com/holeytoledough
and there are even awards for different tiers of donations. 

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