Monday, February 17, 2025

Now hiring. Inquire within.

It’s one of the biggest myths in our cherished system of guvmint. You know, the one about the rail splitter from Illinois who became President. Or the poor kid from Hope. Or any one of a hundred like stories. We’re a guvmint of, by, and for The People, and any one of you peeps can make it into elected office if you try hard enough.

Well, buddy boyz and girlz, here’s yer chance at a run for the roses! There’s about to be an opening in the citizen-led state legislature, and if you meet a few simple credentials you could be packing yer bags for a trip to Columbus and the hallowed grounds of the State House!

That’s right, State Rep. Matthew Szollosi (D-46) is about to vacate his seat representing the 46th House District to take a job with the newly formed Affiliated Construction Trades (ACT) Ohio. That means his seat will be open for the taking. Provided you meet some simple requirements.

First, you have to be eligible to vote in the 46th, which includes Eastern Lucas County minus most of East Toledo. It then jumps the Big Muddy to snake through much of South Toledo. See, the district was drawn by Republicans during the redistricting fight, and they combined the parts of Szollosi’s district where he resides with the area formerly represented by then-State Rep. Teresa Fedor, including her then-residence.

This could have set up a nasty primary fight, but Fedor instead moved into East Toledo, thus jumping into the newly created 45th House District. The 45th includes most of East Toledo, then jumps the Big Muddy to snake through North and Northwest Toledo. She won the 45th without an opponent.

So far so good. If you live in the 46th, you just might be able to take Szollosi’s place after he resigns. Oh, and you have to be eligible and registered to vote there, so you have to be over 18. Whether or not you actually reside in the 46th is another matter for another column, but if you’re registered there, you’re eligible for the seat.

That’s about it. Qualified? Start dreaming of the big time, baby!

One last minor detail before you go off the deep end, though. Did ya notice up above, that little parenthetical notation “D-46?” That means that Szollosi is a Democrat, in a partisan seat representing the 46th. Which means the House Democratic caucus gets to make the appointment. So you might be registered in the 46th, but if you’re not registered with a “D” behind your name, keep dreaming, suckah!

And while we’re on the little matter of a partisan appointment, the caucus will most likely want to make sure that you have a good chance to win and retain the seat for the D’s when it’s up for election. That would mean you pretty much have to have worked within and for the Party so they will reciprocate in kind on your behalf. And you’ll have to have experience fundraising and winning an election. That probably narrows the field down to someone who is in current office and either represents a good portion of the 46th or has in the recent past.

Is your last name Fedor? If not, none of this applies to you. Your dreams are of the pipe variety. Word has it T. Fed is moving back to South Toledo, into the 46th, to take the appointment.

But never fear, dreamers, that will open the seat in the 45th! For those favored by the D’s registered in the 45th who can win an election and fundraise there … Basically narrowing the field to Lindsay Webb, current Toledo Council Representative for District 6, representing North and Northwest Toledo. Who is expected to be appointed to the 45th seat.

Like Steven Tyler sang, dream on! Are you registered in Toledo District 6? Once Webb is appointed to the legislature, the 6th District council seat will be wide open! It’s nonpartisan, and once that seat opens, go for it!
Except that Council will make the appointment, and D’s control 8 of the 12 votes on Council, and they will likely appoint someone in favor with the D’s who can show an ability to fundraise and win, and, well, you get the picture. Seems current school board member and former President Lisa Sobecki of Point Place is the shoe-in for the Council seat.

Yup, looks like the dominoes have all fallen into place even before Szollosi takes his leave. A few variables could throw it into flux, like other notable electeds throwing hats into the ring. Or perhaps a desire to bring in fresh new candidates with fresh new ideas. You might have a chance after all!

Right. Dream on, indeed.

It’s one of the biggest myths in our cherished system of guvmint. You know, the one about the rail splitter from Illinois who became President. Or the poor kid from Hope. Or any one of a hundred like stories. We’re a guvmint of, by, and for The People, and any one of you peeps can make it into elected office if you try hard enough.

Well, buddy boyz and girlz, here’s yer chance at a run for the roses! There’s about to be an opening in the citizen-led state legislature, and if you meet a few simple credentials you could be packing yer bags for a trip to Columbus and the hallowed grounds of the State House!

That’s right, State Rep. Matthew Szollosi (D-46) is about to vacate his seat representing the 46th House District to take a job with the newly formed Affiliated Construction Trades (ACT) Ohio. That means his seat will be open for the taking. Provided you meet some simple requirements.

First, you have to be eligible to vote in the 46th, which includes Eastern Lucas County minus most of East Toledo. It then jumps the Big Muddy to snake through much of South Toledo. See, the district was drawn by Republicans during the redistricting fight, and they combined the parts of Szollosi’s district where he resides with the area formerly represented by then-State Rep. Teresa Fedor, including her then-residence.

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This could have set up a nasty primary fight, but Fedor instead moved into East Toledo, thus jumping into the newly created 45th House District. The 45th includes most of East Toledo, then jumps the Big Muddy to snake through North and Northwest Toledo. She won the 45th without an opponent.

So far so good. If you live in the 46th, you just might be able to take Szollosi’s place after he resigns. Oh, and you have to be eligible and registered to vote there, so you have to be over 18. Whether or not you actually reside in the 46th is another matter for another column, but if you’re registered there, you’re eligible for the seat.

That’s about it. Qualified? Start dreaming of the big time, baby!

One last minor detail before you go off the deep end, though. Did ya notice up above, that little parenthetical notation “D-46?” That means that Szollosi is a Democrat, in a partisan seat representing the 46th. Which means the House Democratic caucus gets to make the appointment. So you might be registered in the 46th, but if you’re not registered with a “D” behind your name, keep dreaming, suckah!

And while we’re on the little matter of a partisan appointment, the caucus will most likely want to make sure that you have a good chance to win and retain the seat for the D’s when it’s up for election. That would mean you pretty much have to have worked within and for the Party so they will reciprocate in kind on your behalf. And you’ll have to have experience fundraising and winning an election. That probably narrows the field down to someone who is in current office and either represents a good portion of the 46th or has in the recent past.

Is your last name Fedor? If not, none of this applies to you. Your dreams are of the pipe variety. Word has it T. Fed is moving back to South Toledo, into the 46th, to take the appointment.

But never fear, dreamers, that will open the seat in the 45th! For those favored by the D’s registered in the 45th who can win an election and fundraise there … Basically narrowing the field to Lindsay Webb, current Toledo Council Representative for District 6, representing North and Northwest Toledo. Who is expected to be appointed to the 45th seat.

Like Steven Tyler sang, dream on! Are you registered in Toledo District 6? Once Webb is appointed to the legislature, the 6th District council seat will be wide open! It’s nonpartisan, and once that seat opens, go for it!
Except that Council will make the appointment, and D’s control 8 of the 12 votes on Council, and they will likely appoint someone in favor with the D’s who can show an ability to fundraise and win, and, well, you get the picture. Seems current school board member and former President Lisa Sobecki of Point Place is the shoe-in for the Council seat.

Yup, looks like the dominoes have all fallen into place even before Szollosi takes his leave. A few variables could throw it into flux, like other notable electeds throwing hats into the ring. Or perhaps a desire to bring in fresh new candidates with fresh new ideas. You might have a chance after all!

Right. Dream on, indeed.

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