Diana Spiess began her fitness journey as a two-sport all-state athlete at Central Catholic High School. From there, she went on to study Recreational Therapy and Kinesiotherapy (or “movement” therapy) at the University of Toledo. Her experience with physical fitness, and the realization that she had a real opportunity to help people through personal training and coaching, has led her to a career in the health/fitness industry.
When asked about what originally attracted her to the field, Diana said, “I have found helping so many people improve their health and live full, energetic lives has been so rewarding.” But it is not always easy: “The most difficult (thing) has been watching so many people live a journey of suffering and illness that could be eliminated with some health and lifestyle changes.” With 26 years under her belt, Spiess is certainly qualified to help people make those changes.
Essence Mind • Body Studio
After her stint at UT, Diana expanded her education through a six-year standing as Fitness Director of the Perrysburg YMCA. Then, 14 years ago, she decided to open the Essence Mind • Body Studio, the first of its kind in the Greater Toledo area.
She admits she could not have done it by herself. “It took an amazing team of supporters. The transition from being an instructor and personal trainer to becoming the Director of a large facility to then being a business owner was very powerful. I have learned so much through the years and have been honored to help thousands of people.”
When it comes to fitness and wellness, Essence is focused on seeing each client as a unique individual with their own personal needs. With 10 instructors (all of whom are extensively trained and accredited), and a long list of classes like Pilates, yoga, Zumba, and weight training, there is indeed a program for everyone.
But Essence is not limited to its exercise classes. They offer workshops such as lessons in Taoism and the chakras, meditation, and Pranayama (the practice of breath regulation) to strengthen the mind-body connection.
Thriving…Not Just Surviving
In addition to being the owner/founder of Essence, Diana is passionate about the one-on-one care she provides through health coaching. She is certified by six different organizations, including the National Medical Board and the International Association of Health Coaching.
When asked about her work, she said, “I absolutely love working with clients as a health coach and get to explore so many ways to help my clients live their healthiest lives. I always begin coaching with getting to know what my clients are striving for and send them very detailed questionnaires that are functionally and holistically based. Through the years, I have had so many clients note that I ask questions that their doctors never have.” After feeling otherwise “defeated” by health limitations, one such client “can’t praise and thank Diana enough for all of her knowledge, guidance, and encouragement.”
Spies concluded her thoughts about her foray into health coaching by emphasizing that “many folks are sick of being sick,” and that with her background and experience, she is proud to help those who are internally motivated make profound health changes in their life.
She left us with one last thought: “Too many people are living short and dying long,” and encouraged us to live lives filled with joy and vitality.
More information about Essence Mind • Body Studio, Diana Spiess and her fitness journey, and the services offered by her and her colleagues can be found at www.essencembs.com or www.dianaspiess.com. To contact her directly visit [email protected] or call 419-944-9794.