You’re a fashion stylist — have you always been very opinionated about fashion?
Yes. When I was little, my mom would pick my clothes but I would always go behind her [back] to pick out my own outfits. I guess I always had a knack for being different.
Where do you like to shop?
I like to shop at consignment stores. You have to dig and find stuff — a lot of stuff won’t pop out at you like at the mall. It is a hunt, and the beauty of it is [discovering] good finds for a cheap price. I like the Goodwill and the Salvation Army, TJ Maxx, Marshall’s.
What was your fashion sense like as a kid?
I wasn’t afraid of taking chances, especially with colors. I was called a pretty boy. And girls that didn’t know me would call me conceited because I was quiet and I dressed nice. [But] I guess I was always confident in my ability and in myself.
Were you susceptible to any ‘90s fashion trends?
The MC Hammer pants. I had a black, checkered pair of those. I was very excited at the time to wear them. That’s the power of television and admiring someone who’s on TV.