Looking for the perfect place to watch the big game without the task of cleaning up after the party? Look no further:
The Attic on Adams
OWE Security 2015 Super Bowl Fundraiser
6pm. $20 per person (tickets at door), includes non-stop food and fun drink specials. All proceeds benefit Old West End Security. The Attic on Adams, 1701 Adams St., 419-243-5350, theatticonadams.com
Bar 145
Will be dishing up specialty items with the unique approach taste they are known for. Honey garlic wings, buffalo ranch wings, black bean chili with a bread bowl, pulled pork sliders, bacon and shrimp skewers, potato skins, pigs in a blanket, deviled eggs, and additional hors d’oeuvres. Drink and beer specials including over 50 bourbons available. Prize giveaways and raffles. 5305 Monroe St., 419-593-0073, bar145toledo.com
Buffalo Wild Wings
100 wings for $68.99; take-out only. 6710 W. Central Ave., 419-843-2400
Chubby's American Grill
Dine in only: $6.00 One Pound Boneless Chunks, $2.00 Domestic Draughts, $2.25 20 oz BudLite Keepsake cup (while supplies last). Carry Out: $25 50 Traditional Wings, $28.99 5 pounds Boneless Chunks. 535 W. Alexis Rd., 419-476-0802
Showing the Superbowl. The three for all platter (brew city fries, choice of sliders, 5 boneless wings for $7.99). Supertube of Bud Lights 128 ounce for $13. Giving away a 50 inch flatscreen TV. 6339 Monroe St., Sylvania, 419-885-2141, frickers.com
Ottawa Tavern
Food, Booze and there’s always the possibility of a wardrobe malfunction. We’ll be drawing a name for the big TV giveaway plus door prizes. 6pm. Ottawa Tavern, 1815 Adams St., 419-725-5483, otavern.com
Party on the Palate
Super Bowl Party, 25% off all food and drink specials. 3309 N. Holland-Sylvania Rd. 419-517-5310, popgrille.com
Pilgrim Church
Souper Bowl Playoff, 11:15am-1pm. A $5 donation ($3/kids 12 and under) allows you unlimited samples of between 10-15 different kinds of homemade soups. There will also be a Silent Auction that will include everything from jewelry and baked goods to electronics and sporting game tickets. Proceeds will benefit Pilgrim’s Outreach Missions Ministry. 1375 Sylvania Ave., 419-478-6012, pilgrimchurch.tv
Ralphie’s Sports Eatery
$1.99 domestic 16 oz. drafts; $7.99/double cheeseburger & fries basket. 3005 Navarre Ave., Oregon, 419-693-2500, ralphies.com
Rock N Whiskey
Celebrate the 49th annual Big Game with 49 cent wings, 49% off select appetizers, $1.49 domestic drafts, $9.49 domestic buckets. Gift card giveaways: $25 for the first three quarters, $100 during the fourth quarter. Dj Manny and DJR immediately following the game. 2640 W. Laskey Rd., 419-474-3971, facebook.com/rocknwhiskeysaloon
Shawn's Irish Tavern
$6.25/domestic pitchers and special Seahawks-and Patriots-themed shots. $9.75/large 2-topping pizza. Olde Towne Shopping Center, 4400 Heatherdowns Blvd. #7, 419-381-1281. 7436 W. Bancroft St., Sylvania, 419-724-7981. shawnsirishtavern.com
Third Street Cigar
Puff on a quality cigar while enjoying the game. All-day event. Third Street Cigar, 20 N. Third St., Waterville. 419-441-0020. thirdstreetcigar.blogspot.com
Tony Packo’s
All locations will kick off the Super Bowl festivities early, with a week-long special featuring five dogs for $9.99. Served however you like. Eat in or carry out. 1902 Front St., 419-691-1953. 5827 Monroe St., 419-885-4500. 7 S. Superior St., 419-246-1111.
Wesley's Bar
Drink: $2.50 domestics. $1.75 Budweiser draft. Food: Free munchies and snacks at 5pm. 1201 Adams St., 419-255-3333, wesleysbar.com