Saturday, February 8, 2025

TOLEDO ACCORDING TO… Sydney “Discokitty” Parker

Years lived in Toledo: 23 years
Occupation: Yoga Instructor/Performer/ Entrepreneur

My story, in one sentence: I’m a dope chick, with fly vibes.

One song lyric to describe my ideal self: “I dreamed it all ever since I was young They said I wouldn’t be nothing
Now they always say congratulations”

My hair: My entire wardrobe is complementary to my hair color(s), because it is full of variety and is a form of self-expression. I have many styles and textures of fabric, and loving the freedom that exists in change, I change whenever I feel like it.

Go-to outfit: Every piece of clothing I have I find joy in owning. Regardless of what I choose, I feel I am always expressing a piece of happiness and comfort from the inside out.

Favorite local shop: Floral Pursuit (on St Clair St. in the Warehouse District, downtown). I love plants and I love their candles. I support local as much as possible! However, most of my clothes are made in USA, from small artists around the country, or thrifted pieces. I choose clothing that represent integrity and are sustainably sourced.

Closet inspiration: I love psychedelia, sparkles, holographic shine and texture! The ’60s & ’70s era is an influence. Skilled tie-dye craftsmanship, visionary artwork and velvet inspire my everyday style.

Best thing I’ve eaten: Vegan tacos at Yer Mom’s House.

The street I drive on/walk on most often is: Easily, Adams Street.

The best view in Toledo: On top of the LaSalle Building.

The reason I am most proud of myself right now: I am overcoming limiting belief patterns that have held me in mental bondage, not allowing me to follow my dreams or feeling like a failure before I have even begun. I am stepping into a new way of thinking and it is clearly changing my outlook, the people I am surrounded by, the opportunities coming my way, and the way I feel about myself and my current situation.

The best time I ever had in Toledo: Honestly, my best nights in Toledo are having small groups to my place and enjoying snacks, drinks and good conversation with close friends.

If I could change one thing about Toledo: it would be people being intimidated of downtown at night. I also acknowledge this is shifting, but still.

If I knew I could get away with it: I would do some killer graffiti on a building, but I’m too scared.

When I’m craving a matcha latte, I go to Claro Coffee.

The artists and musicians I love: Justin Berry (photographer/videographer) and Michael Neumann (photographer) are incredible artists who I admire as people.

The Toledoan I most admire is Sharon Kirpke. Sharon is an incredible yoga instructor and her willingness to love, accept and inspire those around her is contagious. What she has shared with me on and off the (yoga) mat, I carry with me daily, in my life and when I teach.

The thing I truly need to let go of: worrying what other people are going to think and allow myself to be the biggest, best, most expansive version of myself I can create.

The hardest decision I have made in the past year was: ending a meaningful relationship. As much as I loved this person, our paths were moving in different directions, and even though we aren’t together, I still feel the love.

Hunter or gatherer: Ah, I’d like the think I would be a gatherer, but my personality in essence is a hunter.

My first kiss in Toledo: was in first grade. I kissed Travis Schuster on the cheek, and he looked grossed out, and I was a little embarrassed, but shrugged it off ‘cause that’s what a boss girl does.

The last time I had a serious-oh-my-god-my-stomach-hurts-now belly laugh: the first night I really “christened” my new apartment with a few close friends over. My friend Emily was trying to take a video of us and it was one of the funniest experiences I’ve had with her. It is truly the small moments in life that bring the greatest joy.

When I was in high school: I probably would have been described as misunderstood, that is for sure.

If I met the 16-year-old me: she would probably be filled with hope and inspiration that all the hardships I faced as a teenager, really did lead me to something beautiful, special, and out of this world magnetic.

My ideal day looks like, from morning to night: Wake up next to my dope dog, drink coffee, make an inspirational InstaGram post, do my yoga practice, get a matcha latte, go for a walk downtown or at Pearson Park, stop by my Oma and Papa’s house for the best love, meet up with a small group of friends fora light dinner, have a drink, and enjoy the evening laughing and sharing good conversation with the ones I value the most. Oh yeah then sleep like a baby because life is perfect.\

What makes me truly feel alive: allowing myself to be me fully and not judging myself. I feel fully alive when I practice yoga because that is truly where I can unleash my potential within my own self, for myself, with myself.

The Toledoan I’ve met in passing that I’d love to get coffee with: I don’t remember her name. I used to serve her coffee when I worked as a barista, but she was always so cool, and has the most amazing dark brown hair, and has a kid, which made her cooler because she is a “cool mom.” I just think her and I would vibe really well and I could learn from her.

Years lived in Toledo: 23 years
Occupation: Yoga Instructor/Performer/ Entrepreneur

My story, in one sentence: I’m a dope chick, with fly vibes.

One song lyric to describe my ideal self: “I dreamed it all ever since I was young They said I wouldn’t be nothing
Now they always say congratulations”

My hair: My entire wardrobe is complementary to my hair color(s), because it is full of variety and is a form of self-expression. I have many styles and textures of fabric, and loving the freedom that exists in change, I change whenever I feel like it.

Go-to outfit: Every piece of clothing I have I find joy in owning. Regardless of what I choose, I feel I am always expressing a piece of happiness and comfort from the inside out.

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Favorite local shop: Floral Pursuit (on St Clair St. in the Warehouse District, downtown). I love plants and I love their candles. I support local as much as possible! However, most of my clothes are made in USA, from small artists around the country, or thrifted pieces. I choose clothing that represent integrity and are sustainably sourced.

Closet inspiration: I love psychedelia, sparkles, holographic shine and texture! The ’60s & ’70s era is an influence. Skilled tie-dye craftsmanship, visionary artwork and velvet inspire my everyday style.

Best thing I’ve eaten: Vegan tacos at Yer Mom’s House.

The street I drive on/walk on most often is: Easily, Adams Street.

The best view in Toledo: On top of the LaSalle Building.

The reason I am most proud of myself right now: I am overcoming limiting belief patterns that have held me in mental bondage, not allowing me to follow my dreams or feeling like a failure before I have even begun. I am stepping into a new way of thinking and it is clearly changing my outlook, the people I am surrounded by, the opportunities coming my way, and the way I feel about myself and my current situation.

The best time I ever had in Toledo: Honestly, my best nights in Toledo are having small groups to my place and enjoying snacks, drinks and good conversation with close friends.

If I could change one thing about Toledo: it would be people being intimidated of downtown at night. I also acknowledge this is shifting, but still.

If I knew I could get away with it: I would do some killer graffiti on a building, but I’m too scared.

When I’m craving a matcha latte, I go to Claro Coffee.

The artists and musicians I love: Justin Berry (photographer/videographer) and Michael Neumann (photographer) are incredible artists who I admire as people.

The Toledoan I most admire is Sharon Kirpke. Sharon is an incredible yoga instructor and her willingness to love, accept and inspire those around her is contagious. What she has shared with me on and off the (yoga) mat, I carry with me daily, in my life and when I teach.

The thing I truly need to let go of: worrying what other people are going to think and allow myself to be the biggest, best, most expansive version of myself I can create.

The hardest decision I have made in the past year was: ending a meaningful relationship. As much as I loved this person, our paths were moving in different directions, and even though we aren’t together, I still feel the love.

Hunter or gatherer: Ah, I’d like the think I would be a gatherer, but my personality in essence is a hunter.

My first kiss in Toledo: was in first grade. I kissed Travis Schuster on the cheek, and he looked grossed out, and I was a little embarrassed, but shrugged it off ‘cause that’s what a boss girl does.

The last time I had a serious-oh-my-god-my-stomach-hurts-now belly laugh: the first night I really “christened” my new apartment with a few close friends over. My friend Emily was trying to take a video of us and it was one of the funniest experiences I’ve had with her. It is truly the small moments in life that bring the greatest joy.

When I was in high school: I probably would have been described as misunderstood, that is for sure.

If I met the 16-year-old me: she would probably be filled with hope and inspiration that all the hardships I faced as a teenager, really did lead me to something beautiful, special, and out of this world magnetic.

My ideal day looks like, from morning to night: Wake up next to my dope dog, drink coffee, make an inspirational InstaGram post, do my yoga practice, get a matcha latte, go for a walk downtown or at Pearson Park, stop by my Oma and Papa’s house for the best love, meet up with a small group of friends fora light dinner, have a drink, and enjoy the evening laughing and sharing good conversation with the ones I value the most. Oh yeah then sleep like a baby because life is perfect.\

What makes me truly feel alive: allowing myself to be me fully and not judging myself. I feel fully alive when I practice yoga because that is truly where I can unleash my potential within my own self, for myself, with myself.

The Toledoan I’ve met in passing that I’d love to get coffee with: I don’t remember her name. I used to serve her coffee when I worked as a barista, but she was always so cool, and has the most amazing dark brown hair, and has a kid, which made her cooler because she is a “cool mom.” I just think her and I would vibe really well and I could learn from her.

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