Years lived in Toledo: My whole life. 36 years, and counting.
Occupation: The Maintenance Main/ Owner of Michal T. Promotions LLC a Latin dance company.
My story, in one sentence: A constant journey of self-improvement.
A song lyric to describe my ideal self: “If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make that change.” From Michael Jackson’s “Man in the Mirror.”
Most people know me for: My love for Godzilla, salsa dancing, my smile and singing.
The street I drive on/walk on most often is: Dorr Street.
The best time I ever had in Toledo: I had to pick one it would be the time at one of Jimmy Jackson’s Galas in the 90s when I was introduced to salsa music! I never danced so hard in my life before then.
One thing that concerns me about Toledo: The division that I see growing, lately, between socio-economic classes.
The best view in Toledo: The Heights bar and restaurant in the Renaissance Hotel in downtown Toledo where you can see the surrounding area for miles around!
The musician I love: Carmen Miller.
The Toledoan I most admire: It is a three-way tie between Roshawn Jones, the Owner of Soul City Boxing, and two amazing community activists, Alicia Smith and Sean Nestor.
If I could apologize to anyone: My Mother. I know I can be very bullheaded when I want to be.
The reason I am most proud of myself right now: The opening of the Junction Health Mart Pharmacy on Dorr St., which was an idea I had years ago. After working with other concerned neighbors, community partners and others, it is now there and providing a much needed service in that area.
What makes me truly feel alive: Seeing a community get involved forcing positive changes.
Three negative adjectives to describe Toledo, three positive adjectives to describe: Egotistical, low self-esteem, cheap. Inspirational, revival, trend setter.
The Toledoan I’ve met in passing that I’d love to get coffee with: Darrell Nichols, a local humanitarian.
When I was in high school, I probably would have been described as: The nice guy.
If I met the 16-year-old me, he would: Ask if I watch Xena: Warrior Princess.
On a typical day, I wear: A t-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes.
I could sum up my personal style with these five words: The still waters run deep.
The fashion risk I wish I took sooner: Wearing white AFTER Labor Day.
My style icon: Prince, in his later years.