Sunday, February 9, 2025

Toledo According To… Jessica Kakstis

Years lived in Toledo: Six years
Occupation: Artist and Owner of online jewelry/clothier Spooky’s Geek Boutique (

My story, in one sentence: I’m a Detroit native transplanted to Toledo and I love it!

The growth of our community and the downtown area is the part of Toledo I’m most proud of.

The best meal I had in Toledo was the Basil Chicken (or anything else on the menu) at QQ Kitchen.

Toledo Museum Block Party is my favorite annual event.


A business Toledo needs (but doesn’t have) is a locally owned fabric shop or a ramen restaurant!

My favorite piece of local art/architecture is The Toledo Museum of Art.

I’m at my most calm in Toledo when I’m playing Pokemon Go in one of our beautiful metroparks with my husband.

The street I drive on/walk on most often is Lewis Avenue or Alexis Road.

The best time I ever had in Toledo was at Toledo Pride because I love how open and friendly the community is!

One thing I’ve always meant to do in Toledo, but haven’t is go to Imagination Station.

If I could change one thing about Toledo, I would add more art and create a more active downtown.

The best view in Toledo is driving north into Toledo over the Veterans’ Glass City Skyway bridge and seeing downtown.

The Toledo business you’ll most likely find me at is House of Dow, Jupmode, Ye Olde Durty Bird, QQ Kitchen, or any local coffee place!

When I’m craving macarons or sweet treats, I go to So Sweet Lebanese and French Pastries.

If Toledo had a new motto, it would be “where art comes to bloom.”

The most underrated thing in Toledo is our geeky scene and events.

The artists and musicians I love are Bitch, Thunder and all of the exceedingly talented artists at Studio 13 tattoo! I’m also a huge fan of our local drag queens! They’re very talented artists!

Years lived in Toledo: Six years
Occupation: Artist and Owner of online jewelry/clothier Spooky’s Geek Boutique (

My story, in one sentence: I’m a Detroit native transplanted to Toledo and I love it!

The growth of our community and the downtown area is the part of Toledo I’m most proud of.

The best meal I had in Toledo was the Basil Chicken (or anything else on the menu) at QQ Kitchen.

Toledo Museum Block Party is my favorite annual event.


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A business Toledo needs (but doesn’t have) is a locally owned fabric shop or a ramen restaurant!

My favorite piece of local art/architecture is The Toledo Museum of Art.

I’m at my most calm in Toledo when I’m playing Pokemon Go in one of our beautiful metroparks with my husband.

The street I drive on/walk on most often is Lewis Avenue or Alexis Road.

The best time I ever had in Toledo was at Toledo Pride because I love how open and friendly the community is!

One thing I’ve always meant to do in Toledo, but haven’t is go to Imagination Station.

If I could change one thing about Toledo, I would add more art and create a more active downtown.

The best view in Toledo is driving north into Toledo over the Veterans’ Glass City Skyway bridge and seeing downtown.

The Toledo business you’ll most likely find me at is House of Dow, Jupmode, Ye Olde Durty Bird, QQ Kitchen, or any local coffee place!

When I’m craving macarons or sweet treats, I go to So Sweet Lebanese and French Pastries.

If Toledo had a new motto, it would be “where art comes to bloom.”

The most underrated thing in Toledo is our geeky scene and events.

The artists and musicians I love are Bitch, Thunder and all of the exceedingly talented artists at Studio 13 tattoo! I’m also a huge fan of our local drag queens! They’re very talented artists!

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