Thursday, September 19, 2024

Mott Branch Library Book Club

If you are looking for a more involved book club, the reading group at the Mott Branch Library might be the one for you. Meeting for two hours, this month they’ll be discussing Rumaan Alam’s Rich and Pretty. Named Best Book of 2016, the story follows two best friends working through the hardships of their 20s while transitioning towards different lives. You don’t need to read the book to attend. Copies of the book are available at the library now. 6:30-8:30pm. Monday, April 17.

Toledo Lucas County Public Library Mott Branch
1085 Dorr St. | 419-259-5230 | 

If you are looking for a more involved book club, the reading group at the Mott Branch Library might be the one for you. Meeting for two hours, this month they’ll be discussing Rumaan Alam’s Rich and Pretty. Named Best Book of 2016, the story follows two best friends working through the hardships of their 20s while transitioning towards different lives. You don’t need to read the book to attend. Copies of the book are available at the library now. 6:30-8:30pm. Monday, April 17.

Toledo Lucas County Public Library Mott Branch
1085 Dorr St. | 419-259-5230 | 

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