Sunday, September 15, 2024

George Orwell 1984 Reading Group

Feel like talking about the inevitable totalitarian takeover and other depressing intellectual pursuits? Join the George Orwell, 1984 Reading Group, which meets every Thursday to have high-minded discussions with the works of the great science fiction (or science fact?!) writer serving as the jumping-off point. Space is limited, so please only inquire if you are serious about contributing. Sign-carrying doomsday prophets and religious zealots need not apply. Call ahead to book your seat. The next meeting will be 5:30-7:30pm on Thursday, April 6. After that, meetings will be held April 13, 20 and 27.

Nevermore Used Bookstore
2856 W. Sylvania Ave. | 419-593-0093 

Feel like talking about the inevitable totalitarian takeover and other depressing intellectual pursuits? Join the George Orwell, 1984 Reading Group, which meets every Thursday to have high-minded discussions with the works of the great science fiction (or science fact?!) writer serving as the jumping-off point. Space is limited, so please only inquire if you are serious about contributing. Sign-carrying doomsday prophets and religious zealots need not apply. Call ahead to book your seat. The next meeting will be 5:30-7:30pm on Thursday, April 6. After that, meetings will be held April 13, 20 and 27.

Nevermore Used Bookstore
2856 W. Sylvania Ave. | 419-593-0093 

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