Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Gathering Volumes hosts two author events this month

Gathering Volumes is hosting two author events this month: Award-winning journalist Julia Torres will be doing a reading from her book Newyoricangirl…Surviving my Spanglish Life. The gritty story of a young mother from Jewish and Puerto Rican roots, this bio documents Torres’ time in Brooklyn including dealing with the events of 9/11. 2pm reading, 4pm community conversation. 2-5pm. Saturday, October 14.

Toledo resident John Romstadt will be reading from his latest work, My Depthless Love. A romantic suspense novel, this soap opera features a man seeking true love with his dead wife’s identical twin, Elise— but Elise’s art dealer/criminal husband has other plans. 2-4pm. Saturday, October 21.

Gathering Volumes is hosting two author events this month: Award-winning journalist Julia Torres will be doing a reading from her book Newyoricangirl…Surviving my Spanglish Life. The gritty story of a young mother from Jewish and Puerto Rican roots, this bio documents Torres’ time in Brooklyn including dealing with the events of 9/11. 2pm reading, 4pm community conversation. 2-5pm. Saturday, October 14.

Toledo resident John Romstadt will be reading from his latest work, My Depthless Love. A romantic suspense novel, this soap opera features a man seeking true love with his dead wife’s identical twin, Elise— but Elise’s art dealer/criminal husband has other plans. 2-4pm. Saturday, October 21.

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