Did you ever imagine that dancing to a feisty Latin beat could save a child’s life? On Friday, November 8, The Josh Project will present their first ‘Zumbathon’ at Robinson Elementary School. The event is an interactive dance concert where attendees are invited to come shake it alongside six certified Zumba Fitness instructors. Proceeds from the event will go to support prevention of drowning and water-related injuries, including affordable swimming lessons and water safety education for children and adults. And as an added bonus, attendees who purchase their tickets in advance will be entered into a drawing to win gift certificates from Shell, Five Guys, Jimmy Johns and more.
7pm. $10 / kids 12 and under $5. Robinson Elementary School Hub, 1075 Horace St., Toledo. 567-343-0766. For tickets and more information, visit joshprojectzumbathon-eorgf.eventbrite.com.