Thursday, February 13, 2025

Health & Wellness Myths Debunked



















With so much false information spinning around we thought it was time to debunk some of those myths. In this health and wellness issue we’ve talked with experts in their fields who have provided the truth. 

Robin Isenberg

Executive Director,
National Alliance on Mental Illness
of Greater Toledo

MYTH: People that suffer from depression can just stop being sad and be happy instead.

Fact: That is like saying that a person with diabetes can “make” his/her body produce insulin. Mental health problems have nothing to do with being lazy or weak. In fact, mental illness is a biological brain disorder. Many factors contribute to mental health problems, including genetics, physical illness, injury, life experiences and family history. Just like a person diagnosed with diabetes, a person with mental health challenges can get better and many recover completely. It simply takes the right combination of medications, therapy and support from family and friends!

2753 West Central Avenue • Toledo, Ohio 43606
(419) 243-1119 •
Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM. – 4:00 PM

Jason Peisley, D.C.

Founder and Clinic Director
Fairwood Health & Body Transition

MYTH: Fad diets work for permanent weight loss.

Fact: Dieting may help a person lose weight initially, but because these measures do not address underlying health issues (or causes) of weight gain, the dieter will gain the weight back. The solution to permanent weight loss is to find and put an end to key health issues that may be sabotaging  efforts to lose weight and keep it off.


5215 Monroe Street, Suite 5
Toledo, OH 43623 (419) 517-1030 •
Mon & Wed- 8:30 AM – 11:00AM, 3:30 PM-6:00 PM
Tue & Thur- 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Friday- 8:30 AM – 11:00 AM Sat & Sun- closed

Dr. Deitra Hickey, Ed. D.

Serenity Health & Wellness Center

MYTH: I have always been stiff—I am not flexible so I cannot do yoga.

Fact: Unless you are a ballet dancer or a gymnast, it’s very normal if you feel tight, so you should not worry if touching your toes seems impossible. With regular practice, yoga is extremely effective at improving flexibility and loosening tight muscles. In addition, Yoga is one of the most recommended practices available for increasing overall toning, core strength, balance and injury prevention.

1685 Lance Pointe Drive • Maumee, OH 43537
(419) 891-2181 •
Monday-Sunday, 9:00 AM-9:00 PM


Gregg Schwartz

American Mobile Fitness

MYTH: Doing ab crunches & working on an ab machine reduces belly fat and gets a tighter, flatter stomach

Fact: While these exercises may help increase abdominal strength and help with better back support they will not help with  “spot reducing.” You have to exercise your entire body and in turn lower your overall percentage of body fat. As your body fat reduces, that is how you will get those nice abs!


2727 Holland Sylvania, Suite H
Toledo, Ohio 43615
(419) 351-1381
Appointment-based hours

Stephanie Harmon

Owner, Bumble Olive Oil Company

MYTH: It is unhealthy to eat olive oil

Fact: High-quality extra virgin olive oil that is low in fatty oil can have a smoke point as high as 425 degrees fahrenheit, similar to many other cooking oils. In reality, any type of cooking oil that reaches its smoke point can burn and become unhealthy for you. Olive oil also contains the antioxidant Oleocanthall, which has anti-inflammatory effects and is known to lower the rate of heart disease.

Westfield Franklin Park
5001 Monroe St., Suite 1420
Toledo, Ohio 43623 (419)-517-5552
Monday – Saturday, 10AM – 9PM,
Sunday 11AM – 6PM.

Julie Munson

Owner of Tropical Smoothie Café

MYTH: Vegetables taste bad and are off-putting

Fact: At first, people who take a look at our menu are unsure of what they would like. With a little tempting, people who would never eat spinach and kale find when they try out our Island Green Spinach & Kale Smoothie they really like it. In fact, that smoothie has gone from obscurity to #1 on our menu. Our customers are adding spinach and kale to other smoothies since finding out that they like them so much. People appreciate that they are getting their fruits and vegetables but also finding them yummy.

1385 Conant St., Suite E
Maumee, OH 43537
(419) 893-2100 (Maumee)

Monday -Thursday, 7:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Friday, 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Saturday, 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Sunday, 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM

Jon Kranjec

Belamere Suites

MYTH: You can’t go swimming when the temp goes below zero.

Fact: The Belamere Suites have 13 private indoor pools that are heated to 92 degrees year round.

12200 Williams Rd,  • Perrysburg, OH 43551 • (419) 874-2233




Charmaine Bassett-Trimm NMD, DM, NAP

Medicine Woman, President & CEO of ONACAK

MYTH: Salt causes high blood pressure, cardiac disease and heart problems.

Fact: The truth is, our body needs salt. Sodium keeps the fluid levels in our bodies balanced. Too little salt may actually cause heart disease. One European study in 2011 showed a lower sodium diet actually led to increased cardiovascular-related deaths! Without salt, our heart cannot contract normally, which damages our valves. Charmaine recommends sea salt from the Redmond Salt Mine in UT, USA.

3344 Secor Road
Toledo, Ohio 43606
(419) 720-2972 •

Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Saturday, 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Sunday, 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Marie Russel

Instructor at It’s Yoga

MYTH: I’m too overweight and not strong enough to try yoga.

Fact: With yoga, there are ways of reaching your weight loss and other health goals quicker than you might think. If you consistently practice yoga twice a week, you will see results after the first three months.

135 N. Michigan Street
Toledo, Ohio 43604
(707) 934-5486
Hours: By appointment

A. Thomas Dalagiannis M.D., FACS

Arrowhead Plastic Surgeons

MYTH: A cosmetic surgeon is the same as a plastic surgeon.

Fact: Plastic surgeons are cosmetic surgeons but the opposite is not always true. To be a plastic surgeon you have to go through a minimum of 7-8 years to be eligible to become board certified. Plastic surgeons meet rigorous criteria and go through years of specialized training where a cosmetic surgeon could be anybody that has earned an MD degree, like a family doctor. If they decide to start doing cosmetic surgery, there is no board certification in cosmetic surgery, and there is no governing board that oversees people doing these surgeries. There are no mandatory standards for these other doctors who are not plastic surgeons.

1360 Arrowhead Drive
Maumee, OH 43537

Sharon Kripke, E-RYT

Yoga Journey Studio

MYTH: Yoga is competitive and people might judge me if I’m not as flexible as they are.

Fact: Yoga is for everybody and every body! It’s not competitive and no one is going to judge you on your personal journey. Anyone of any age focused on fitness or wellness can benefit from yoga. Whether one attends class to become more flexible or even wants to lose weight, yoga, the union of mind, body and breath, will keep you mentally and physically strong.

4853 Monroe Street • Toledo, OH, 43623
419-345-3964 •
Class schedules vary, call or check website for details


Jon Frankel, DDS

Jon Frankel Dentistry

MYTH: If my teeth and gums don’t hurt I’m fine.

Fact: Decay and gum disease can be silent. Regularly scheduled, preventative care visits are vital for detecting small problems before they become big issues. A healthy mouth promotes a healthy body. Visiting the dentist at least every six months for a thorough exam, x-rays and cleaning is important.

5012 Talmadge Rd. • Toledo, OH 43623
(419) 474-9611•
Mon – Tue: 7:30AM – 8:00PM
Wed: 7:30AM – 5:00PM
Thu: 7:30AM – 8:00PM
Fri: 7:30AM – 2:30PM
Sat: 8:00AM – 12:00PM

Dr. Nick Dumas

Rapid Relief Chiropractic Center

MYTH: Chiropractors are not doctors.

Fact:  The word doctor actually means teacher. But, every single state recognizes chiropractors as doctors. Chiropractors are able to diagnose and treat many conditions while other doctors may just prescribe a pill. We can treat for things other than a sore back or neck. It’s not by chance that the 100’s and 100’s of patients that come into my office to get treatment leave satisfied.

4210 Sylvania Avenue, Suite 102
Toledo, OH 43623

Monday, Wednesday and Friday
8:00am-12:00pm 2pm-5:30pm
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
2:00pm-5:30pm (A.M. By appointment)
Sunday Closed

Diana M. Spiess

Owner, Essence Mind & Body Studio

MYTH: I do not have the time to commit to yoga on a regular basis

Fact: Many times people regularly take care of others, but, when it comes to “Me” time, to assure  personal health and fitness, that’s at the bottom of the list – if it makes the list at all!  Essence promotes individual needs, enjoyment and convenience for a longer, happier life.  We’ve even added live web classes – yoga in the comfort of your home!  The truth is, you can’t afford NOT to commit to yoga on a regular basis!

580 Craig Dr, Perrysburg, OH 43551
(419) 873-6463

Angie Scott

Faces Skin Health Experts

MYTH: My skin is too bad and “too far gone” to be treated successfully.

Fact: It is never too late to improve skin health, reverse sun damage, and decrease the depth of wrinkles. Conversely, it is never too early to establish a good skin care regimen and protect your skin with sunscreen.


6595 Secor Road • Lambertville Michigan  48144
734-568-6100 •
Monday and Wednesday 9am – 5pm
Tuesday and Thursday 9am – 7pm
Fri – Sat: 9am – 3pm

Katie Smith, PC-CR Clinical

Therapist/Wellness Specialist at Harbor, Inc.

Myth: People who suffer from mental illness tend to be violent, unpredictable and mean.

Fact: Only 3-5% of violent acts that are reported are attributed to individuals living with a serious mental illness. In fact, those who suffer from a mental illness are over 10 times more likely to be the victim of a violent crime than those who do not suffer from mental illness. Many people who have mental illnesses are highly active and productive members of society who may like to be listened to and understood.

4334 Secor Road • Toledo, Ohio 43623
(419) 475-4449 •
Monday – Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 7:00p.m.
Friday, 8:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.


Dr. Bryan Royer

Harmony Chiropractic

MYTH: Chiropractic care is only for back pain.

FACT: Some adolescent behavior problems may be symptoms of emotional or mental disorders. Many children go undiagnosed, making their school days difficult. In fact, only 20 percent of mental health issues in children are identified and treated with  mental health services. It is important for parents/guardians and children to talk with a mental health counselor for more information.

Fact: Chiropractic physicians are known as back doctors and spine experts but we can treat and help heal pain or dysfunction in any joint or muscle in the body. Chiropractic physicians can help patients with nutrition, exercise and healthy habits as well. Also, I have board-certified specialties in sports medicine and neurology, so I take care of many more problems besides just back pain. Take a look at my blog for more myths about chiropractic.

3829 Woodley Rd #1, Toledo, OH 43606
(419) 517-5055 •
Call for hours


Leah Foley

Clinical Herbalist,
Phoenix Earth Food Cooperative

MYTH: You get all the nutrients you need from your food.

Fact: Far from it. For example, mainstream medicine has already found that many people have insufficient blood levels of Vitamin D³, which can cause a multitude of health problems. This vitamin is not manufactured in the human body and requires body exposure to the direct rays of the sun to be utilized by humans. This is rarely possible in the Toledo area during two thirds of the year. In addition, sunscreens further diminish the body’s exposure to the sun.  Also, a multitude of other nutrients are destroyed by chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides used in (non-organic) farming. Nutrients are also lost when consuming processed foods and fast foods. Taking properly dosed good quality supplements can help immensely.

1447 West Sylvania Ave. •Toledo OH 43612
(419) 476-3211 •
Saturday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. • Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Tamara Willingham

Licensed acupuncturist, diplomat
of oriental medicine, LMT,
Owner of Tamara TCM

MYTH:Acupuncturists are not medical licensed professionals.

Fact: Acupuncturists are medical licensed professionals, but the level of education and training vary among state medical boards. In Ohio, people can take online classes and become a certified acupuncturist without ever getting real-world practice. Whereas some acupuncturists, like myself, have studied four years at a masters school, passed four national boards and become licensed by the Ohio State Medical Board. It’s important for Toledoans to be educated on the different levels of training and education before seeing an acupuncturist.

Wellness Center
27068 Oakmead Drive
Perrysburg, OH 43551
(419) 345-4996 •
Hours: By appointment

Dr. Nadeem Khan

Great Smiles Family Dentistry

MYTH: It’s scary to go to the dentist. It can hurt.

Fact: A lot of people are afraid, they have preconceived notions that anything dentists do is going to hurt. Dentistry is painless today. Our model is that we cater to cowards. We put the patients concerns first. We can give them laughing gas to relax or offer sleep dentistry, which enables them to relax more. We also provide headphones to reduce the noise of the drilling. We like to take the fear out of dentistry, by overcoming these fears people are able to take care of concerns in their mouth. It’s important not to let things go. A small cavity can eventually lead to an extraction if it’s left untreated.

4646 Nantuckett Dr, Suite D Toledo, OH 43623
(419) 843-8095 •


Toledo Clinic ENT

Oliver H. Jenkins, M.D
Christopher B. Perry, D.O
Seilesh C. Babu, M.D.

MYTH: Sinus surgery is a painful experience that requires a long recovery period.

Fact: Balloon Sinuplasty™ Technology is a safe and minimally invasive system that gently opens the sinuses. It is used as a tool by surgeons in the treatment of chronic sinus problems. Unlike traditional sinus surgery, it does not require painful tissue removal. “It’s been a year since surgery with Balloon Sinuplasty™ and I feel much better. I have energy to work all day and to go out at night. It’s made a tremendous difference in how I approach my life.” —Sherwin G. Find out how Balloon Sinuplasty™ can relieve your sinusitis symptoms.

5800 Park Center Court, Suite C
Toledo, OH 43615
419-724-8368 •
Monday – Friday: 8AM – 4:30PM
Call for an appointment

Simon, Haerian & Ludwig Orthodontics

MYTH: Braces are just for children

Fact: Actually over 30 percent of our practice is adults. There are many more options now than the clunky silver braces, there are clear braces, invisalign and the new technology, Incognito which are on the inside of your teeth so nobody will ever even know you have them on. Right now we have an offer for 1500 dollars off full Incognito.

3 locations to serve you
Log on for hours



















With so much false information spinning around we thought it was time to debunk some of those myths. In this health and wellness issue we’ve talked with experts in their fields who have provided the truth. 

Robin Isenberg

Executive Director,
National Alliance on Mental Illness
of Greater Toledo

MYTH: People that suffer from depression can just stop being sad and be happy instead.

Fact: That is like saying that a person with diabetes can “make” his/her body produce insulin. Mental health problems have nothing to do with being lazy or weak. In fact, mental illness is a biological brain disorder. Many factors contribute to mental health problems, including genetics, physical illness, injury, life experiences and family history. Just like a person diagnosed with diabetes, a person with mental health challenges can get better and many recover completely. It simply takes the right combination of medications, therapy and support from family and friends!

2753 West Central Avenue • Toledo, Ohio 43606
(419) 243-1119 •
Monday – Friday, 8:00 AM. – 4:00 PM

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Jason Peisley, D.C.

Founder and Clinic Director
Fairwood Health & Body Transition

MYTH: Fad diets work for permanent weight loss.

Fact: Dieting may help a person lose weight initially, but because these measures do not address underlying health issues (or causes) of weight gain, the dieter will gain the weight back. The solution to permanent weight loss is to find and put an end to key health issues that may be sabotaging  efforts to lose weight and keep it off.


5215 Monroe Street, Suite 5
Toledo, OH 43623 (419) 517-1030 •
Mon & Wed- 8:30 AM – 11:00AM, 3:30 PM-6:00 PM
Tue & Thur- 3:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Friday- 8:30 AM – 11:00 AM Sat & Sun- closed

Dr. Deitra Hickey, Ed. D.

Serenity Health & Wellness Center

MYTH: I have always been stiff—I am not flexible so I cannot do yoga.

Fact: Unless you are a ballet dancer or a gymnast, it’s very normal if you feel tight, so you should not worry if touching your toes seems impossible. With regular practice, yoga is extremely effective at improving flexibility and loosening tight muscles. In addition, Yoga is one of the most recommended practices available for increasing overall toning, core strength, balance and injury prevention.

1685 Lance Pointe Drive • Maumee, OH 43537
(419) 891-2181 •
Monday-Sunday, 9:00 AM-9:00 PM


Gregg Schwartz

American Mobile Fitness

MYTH: Doing ab crunches & working on an ab machine reduces belly fat and gets a tighter, flatter stomach

Fact: While these exercises may help increase abdominal strength and help with better back support they will not help with  “spot reducing.” You have to exercise your entire body and in turn lower your overall percentage of body fat. As your body fat reduces, that is how you will get those nice abs!


2727 Holland Sylvania, Suite H
Toledo, Ohio 43615
(419) 351-1381
Appointment-based hours

Stephanie Harmon

Owner, Bumble Olive Oil Company

MYTH: It is unhealthy to eat olive oil

Fact: High-quality extra virgin olive oil that is low in fatty oil can have a smoke point as high as 425 degrees fahrenheit, similar to many other cooking oils. In reality, any type of cooking oil that reaches its smoke point can burn and become unhealthy for you. Olive oil also contains the antioxidant Oleocanthall, which has anti-inflammatory effects and is known to lower the rate of heart disease.

Westfield Franklin Park
5001 Monroe St., Suite 1420
Toledo, Ohio 43623 (419)-517-5552
Monday – Saturday, 10AM – 9PM,
Sunday 11AM – 6PM.

Julie Munson

Owner of Tropical Smoothie Café

MYTH: Vegetables taste bad and are off-putting

Fact: At first, people who take a look at our menu are unsure of what they would like. With a little tempting, people who would never eat spinach and kale find when they try out our Island Green Spinach & Kale Smoothie they really like it. In fact, that smoothie has gone from obscurity to #1 on our menu. Our customers are adding spinach and kale to other smoothies since finding out that they like them so much. People appreciate that they are getting their fruits and vegetables but also finding them yummy.

1385 Conant St., Suite E
Maumee, OH 43537
(419) 893-2100 (Maumee)

Monday -Thursday, 7:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Friday, 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Saturday, 8:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Sunday, 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM

Jon Kranjec

Belamere Suites

MYTH: You can’t go swimming when the temp goes below zero.

Fact: The Belamere Suites have 13 private indoor pools that are heated to 92 degrees year round.

12200 Williams Rd,  • Perrysburg, OH 43551 • (419) 874-2233




Charmaine Bassett-Trimm NMD, DM, NAP

Medicine Woman, President & CEO of ONACAK

MYTH: Salt causes high blood pressure, cardiac disease and heart problems.

Fact: The truth is, our body needs salt. Sodium keeps the fluid levels in our bodies balanced. Too little salt may actually cause heart disease. One European study in 2011 showed a lower sodium diet actually led to increased cardiovascular-related deaths! Without salt, our heart cannot contract normally, which damages our valves. Charmaine recommends sea salt from the Redmond Salt Mine in UT, USA.

3344 Secor Road
Toledo, Ohio 43606
(419) 720-2972 •

Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM
Saturday, 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Sunday, 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Marie Russel

Instructor at It’s Yoga

MYTH: I’m too overweight and not strong enough to try yoga.

Fact: With yoga, there are ways of reaching your weight loss and other health goals quicker than you might think. If you consistently practice yoga twice a week, you will see results after the first three months.

135 N. Michigan Street
Toledo, Ohio 43604
(707) 934-5486
Hours: By appointment

A. Thomas Dalagiannis M.D., FACS

Arrowhead Plastic Surgeons

MYTH: A cosmetic surgeon is the same as a plastic surgeon.

Fact: Plastic surgeons are cosmetic surgeons but the opposite is not always true. To be a plastic surgeon you have to go through a minimum of 7-8 years to be eligible to become board certified. Plastic surgeons meet rigorous criteria and go through years of specialized training where a cosmetic surgeon could be anybody that has earned an MD degree, like a family doctor. If they decide to start doing cosmetic surgery, there is no board certification in cosmetic surgery, and there is no governing board that oversees people doing these surgeries. There are no mandatory standards for these other doctors who are not plastic surgeons.

1360 Arrowhead Drive
Maumee, OH 43537

Sharon Kripke, E-RYT

Yoga Journey Studio

MYTH: Yoga is competitive and people might judge me if I’m not as flexible as they are.

Fact: Yoga is for everybody and every body! It’s not competitive and no one is going to judge you on your personal journey. Anyone of any age focused on fitness or wellness can benefit from yoga. Whether one attends class to become more flexible or even wants to lose weight, yoga, the union of mind, body and breath, will keep you mentally and physically strong.

4853 Monroe Street • Toledo, OH, 43623
419-345-3964 •
Class schedules vary, call or check website for details


Jon Frankel, DDS

Jon Frankel Dentistry

MYTH: If my teeth and gums don’t hurt I’m fine.

Fact: Decay and gum disease can be silent. Regularly scheduled, preventative care visits are vital for detecting small problems before they become big issues. A healthy mouth promotes a healthy body. Visiting the dentist at least every six months for a thorough exam, x-rays and cleaning is important.

5012 Talmadge Rd. • Toledo, OH 43623
(419) 474-9611•
Mon – Tue: 7:30AM – 8:00PM
Wed: 7:30AM – 5:00PM
Thu: 7:30AM – 8:00PM
Fri: 7:30AM – 2:30PM
Sat: 8:00AM – 12:00PM

Dr. Nick Dumas

Rapid Relief Chiropractic Center

MYTH: Chiropractors are not doctors.

Fact:  The word doctor actually means teacher. But, every single state recognizes chiropractors as doctors. Chiropractors are able to diagnose and treat many conditions while other doctors may just prescribe a pill. We can treat for things other than a sore back or neck. It’s not by chance that the 100’s and 100’s of patients that come into my office to get treatment leave satisfied.

4210 Sylvania Avenue, Suite 102
Toledo, OH 43623

Monday, Wednesday and Friday
8:00am-12:00pm 2pm-5:30pm
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
2:00pm-5:30pm (A.M. By appointment)
Sunday Closed

Diana M. Spiess

Owner, Essence Mind & Body Studio

MYTH: I do not have the time to commit to yoga on a regular basis

Fact: Many times people regularly take care of others, but, when it comes to “Me” time, to assure  personal health and fitness, that’s at the bottom of the list – if it makes the list at all!  Essence promotes individual needs, enjoyment and convenience for a longer, happier life.  We’ve even added live web classes – yoga in the comfort of your home!  The truth is, you can’t afford NOT to commit to yoga on a regular basis!

580 Craig Dr, Perrysburg, OH 43551
(419) 873-6463

Angie Scott

Faces Skin Health Experts

MYTH: My skin is too bad and “too far gone” to be treated successfully.

Fact: It is never too late to improve skin health, reverse sun damage, and decrease the depth of wrinkles. Conversely, it is never too early to establish a good skin care regimen and protect your skin with sunscreen.


6595 Secor Road • Lambertville Michigan  48144
734-568-6100 •
Monday and Wednesday 9am – 5pm
Tuesday and Thursday 9am – 7pm
Fri – Sat: 9am – 3pm

Katie Smith, PC-CR Clinical

Therapist/Wellness Specialist at Harbor, Inc.

Myth: People who suffer from mental illness tend to be violent, unpredictable and mean.

Fact: Only 3-5% of violent acts that are reported are attributed to individuals living with a serious mental illness. In fact, those who suffer from a mental illness are over 10 times more likely to be the victim of a violent crime than those who do not suffer from mental illness. Many people who have mental illnesses are highly active and productive members of society who may like to be listened to and understood.

4334 Secor Road • Toledo, Ohio 43623
(419) 475-4449 •
Monday – Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday – Thursday, 8:00 a.m. – 7:00p.m.
Friday, 8:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.


Dr. Bryan Royer

Harmony Chiropractic

MYTH: Chiropractic care is only for back pain.

FACT: Some adolescent behavior problems may be symptoms of emotional or mental disorders. Many children go undiagnosed, making their school days difficult. In fact, only 20 percent of mental health issues in children are identified and treated with  mental health services. It is important for parents/guardians and children to talk with a mental health counselor for more information.

Fact: Chiropractic physicians are known as back doctors and spine experts but we can treat and help heal pain or dysfunction in any joint or muscle in the body. Chiropractic physicians can help patients with nutrition, exercise and healthy habits as well. Also, I have board-certified specialties in sports medicine and neurology, so I take care of many more problems besides just back pain. Take a look at my blog for more myths about chiropractic.

3829 Woodley Rd #1, Toledo, OH 43606
(419) 517-5055 •
Call for hours


Leah Foley

Clinical Herbalist,
Phoenix Earth Food Cooperative

MYTH: You get all the nutrients you need from your food.

Fact: Far from it. For example, mainstream medicine has already found that many people have insufficient blood levels of Vitamin D³, which can cause a multitude of health problems. This vitamin is not manufactured in the human body and requires body exposure to the direct rays of the sun to be utilized by humans. This is rarely possible in the Toledo area during two thirds of the year. In addition, sunscreens further diminish the body’s exposure to the sun.  Also, a multitude of other nutrients are destroyed by chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides used in (non-organic) farming. Nutrients are also lost when consuming processed foods and fast foods. Taking properly dosed good quality supplements can help immensely.

1447 West Sylvania Ave. •Toledo OH 43612
(419) 476-3211 •
Saturday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. • Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Tamara Willingham

Licensed acupuncturist, diplomat
of oriental medicine, LMT,
Owner of Tamara TCM

MYTH:Acupuncturists are not medical licensed professionals.

Fact: Acupuncturists are medical licensed professionals, but the level of education and training vary among state medical boards. In Ohio, people can take online classes and become a certified acupuncturist without ever getting real-world practice. Whereas some acupuncturists, like myself, have studied four years at a masters school, passed four national boards and become licensed by the Ohio State Medical Board. It’s important for Toledoans to be educated on the different levels of training and education before seeing an acupuncturist.

Wellness Center
27068 Oakmead Drive
Perrysburg, OH 43551
(419) 345-4996 •
Hours: By appointment

Dr. Nadeem Khan

Great Smiles Family Dentistry

MYTH: It’s scary to go to the dentist. It can hurt.

Fact: A lot of people are afraid, they have preconceived notions that anything dentists do is going to hurt. Dentistry is painless today. Our model is that we cater to cowards. We put the patients concerns first. We can give them laughing gas to relax or offer sleep dentistry, which enables them to relax more. We also provide headphones to reduce the noise of the drilling. We like to take the fear out of dentistry, by overcoming these fears people are able to take care of concerns in their mouth. It’s important not to let things go. A small cavity can eventually lead to an extraction if it’s left untreated.

4646 Nantuckett Dr, Suite D Toledo, OH 43623
(419) 843-8095 •


Toledo Clinic ENT

Oliver H. Jenkins, M.D
Christopher B. Perry, D.O
Seilesh C. Babu, M.D.

MYTH: Sinus surgery is a painful experience that requires a long recovery period.

Fact: Balloon Sinuplasty™ Technology is a safe and minimally invasive system that gently opens the sinuses. It is used as a tool by surgeons in the treatment of chronic sinus problems. Unlike traditional sinus surgery, it does not require painful tissue removal. “It’s been a year since surgery with Balloon Sinuplasty™ and I feel much better. I have energy to work all day and to go out at night. It’s made a tremendous difference in how I approach my life.” —Sherwin G. Find out how Balloon Sinuplasty™ can relieve your sinusitis symptoms.

5800 Park Center Court, Suite C
Toledo, OH 43615
419-724-8368 •
Monday – Friday: 8AM – 4:30PM
Call for an appointment

Simon, Haerian & Ludwig Orthodontics

MYTH: Braces are just for children

Fact: Actually over 30 percent of our practice is adults. There are many more options now than the clunky silver braces, there are clear braces, invisalign and the new technology, Incognito which are on the inside of your teeth so nobody will ever even know you have them on. Right now we have an offer for 1500 dollars off full Incognito.

3 locations to serve you
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