Thursday, September 19, 2024

sylvania compassion film festival – call for entries

The Multifaith Council of NW Ohio, Sylvania United Church of Christ and the Sylvania Baha’i Community are teaming up with the Sylvania Compassion Film Contest. Utilizing the arts, the group is reaching out to filmmakers for submissions of locally made short films (three minutes or less) that center around the theme: What does compassion look like? The final date for submissions is 5pm Wednesday, March 15. First place will be awarded $400, second place, $200, and third place, $100. All entries will be showcased during the Sylvania Community Arts Commission Tree City Film Festival. 3:30pm. Saturday, March 25.

Olander Park’s Nederhouser Community Hall
6930 Sylvania Ave. | Sylvania | 

The Multifaith Council of NW Ohio, Sylvania United Church of Christ and the Sylvania Baha’i Community are teaming up with the Sylvania Compassion Film Contest. Utilizing the arts, the group is reaching out to filmmakers for submissions of locally made short films (three minutes or less) that center around the theme: What does compassion look like? The final date for submissions is 5pm Wednesday, March 15. First place will be awarded $400, second place, $200, and third place, $100. All entries will be showcased during the Sylvania Community Arts Commission Tree City Film Festival. 3:30pm. Saturday, March 25.

Olander Park’s Nederhouser Community Hall
6930 Sylvania Ave. | Sylvania | 

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