Up from the depths
In 1954, Toho Studios, a little-known picture company in Japan, created one of the most beloved characters in movie history. As part of its Summer Classics Film Series, Michigan Theater is screening the big guy’s first film. Gojira, better known in the US as Godzilla, spawned an incredibly popular series of goofy giant monster movies, but the original is an incredibly dark film, at once the best monster movie ever made and a sobering meditation on the horrors of the Atomic bomb. Since the film was just re-made in Hollywood, this is the perfect time to revisit the superior original. Expect subtitles and a whole lot of amazing early special effects. The attack on Tokyo sequence is still a highlight.
Sunday, August 10, 1:30pm; Tuesday, August 12, 7pm. $10. Michigan Theater, 603 E. Liberty St, Ann Arbor. 734-668-8463. michtheater.org