Saturday, February 15, 2025

It’s not the end of the world. But it is our responsibility to protect others

We’ll make it through this. Promise.

It seems like a dark, sad and scary time out there, we know. But as a society, we can and will get through it.

We human beings are A.) tough and B.) there for each other. Look around and see how many people are working to help one another right now. We’re pulling together as a community and that is something to be genuinely proud of.

Now, for all the doomsayers who are touting this as the end of the world– please, shut up. All you’re doing is adding panic in a situation where the best thing any of us can do is to NOT panic, listen to the advice from the CDC and isolate ourselves. We can stop this thing in its tracks if we do that.

This is not “the apocalypse.” This is something we have total control over if we follow the guidelines the CDC has laid out. Avoid close contact with people. Wear a mask if you’re sick. Cover coughs and sneezes. And wash your hands, darn it. Pretty darn easy “apocalypse” to stop, if you ask us.

And besides, when has it ever been the apocalypse? Never, that’s when. There have been people who have been crying that it’s the end of the world as long as there has been a world to end. And they haven’t been right yet.

Let’s take a trip down memory lane, shall we?

-Psychic Jeane Dixon said the apocalypse would happen in 2020, GASP! Except she also had predicted that it would happen in 1962 and that was a big old pile of nope, so maybe Jeane isn’t the best source.

-Ronald Weinland of the Church of God, Preparing for the Kingdom of God, predicted the world would end in 2019. Before that, he said the world was gonna end in 2013, 2012 and 2011. 

-Ministers John Hagee and Mark Blitz claimed the “blood moon prophecy” might mean the world would end in 2014, maybe 2015, maybe not, but you should stock up on survival goods just in case!

-Everybody was all prepared for the end times to happen on December 21, 2012, because the Mayans predicted it would be so. Of course, the Mayans didn’t say anything of the sort and to believe so represented a gross misunderstanding of their culture, but hey, it inspired a John Cusack movie that certainly was…um…a movie that existed.

-Broadcaster Harold Camping said that devastating earthquakes would take place on May 21, 2011. Then he said they’d happen on October 21. Then he retired and passed away and we didn’t get any more revisions. Aw, shoot.

-Pat Robertson himself called his shot in the book The New Millennium, claiming that April 29, 2007 would be the the last day for the human race. Unlike Babe Ruth though, his call didn’t work out and he metaphorically struck out like Casey at the Bat.

-And because round numbers are scary, people were predicting that the world would end in the year 2000, from everyone terrified of Y2K (though the problem was mostly fixed by the New Year and thus there weren’t many issues by the time the year changed) to Jerry Falwell pronouncing that God would pass judgment on this day.

And that’s just SOME of the apocalypses that were supposed to have happened in the past 20 years! If you wanna keep digging back into history, we could go over hundreds and hundreds of apocalypses that were supposed to happen, from Nostradamus’ shots in the dark, to theologians calling that the world would end in the year 500 based on the dimensions of Noah’s Ark, to back even further…

You get the idea. Whenever something happens, people will find a way to make an apocalypse out of it.

COVID-19 is very, very serious. People should take care of themselves, especially to take care of others with compromised immune systems and the elderly. They are counting on us, so for their sake, do your part.

But don’t pay attention to anyone who tries to spin this as a harbinger for the end times. They don’t know what they’re talking about and want attention. We can deal with this. We know what to do, and we can do it. All of us, together. This isn’t an apocalypse, this is a problem. And a problem we CAN solve.

Now, let’s save some lives by staying home and watching Netflix.

Credit to Grendel of the amazing WTFHistory for her 2012 “History of the End of the World” video which inspired this.

We’ll make it through this. Promise.

It seems like a dark, sad and scary time out there, we know. But as a society, we can and will get through it.

We human beings are A.) tough and B.) there for each other. Look around and see how many people are working to help one another right now. We’re pulling together as a community and that is something to be genuinely proud of.

Now, for all the doomsayers who are touting this as the end of the world– please, shut up. All you’re doing is adding panic in a situation where the best thing any of us can do is to NOT panic, listen to the advice from the CDC and isolate ourselves. We can stop this thing in its tracks if we do that.

This is not “the apocalypse.” This is something we have total control over if we follow the guidelines the CDC has laid out. Avoid close contact with people. Wear a mask if you’re sick. Cover coughs and sneezes. And wash your hands, darn it. Pretty darn easy “apocalypse” to stop, if you ask us.

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And besides, when has it ever been the apocalypse? Never, that’s when. There have been people who have been crying that it’s the end of the world as long as there has been a world to end. And they haven’t been right yet.

Let’s take a trip down memory lane, shall we?

-Psychic Jeane Dixon said the apocalypse would happen in 2020, GASP! Except she also had predicted that it would happen in 1962 and that was a big old pile of nope, so maybe Jeane isn’t the best source.

-Ronald Weinland of the Church of God, Preparing for the Kingdom of God, predicted the world would end in 2019. Before that, he said the world was gonna end in 2013, 2012 and 2011. 

-Ministers John Hagee and Mark Blitz claimed the “blood moon prophecy” might mean the world would end in 2014, maybe 2015, maybe not, but you should stock up on survival goods just in case!

-Everybody was all prepared for the end times to happen on December 21, 2012, because the Mayans predicted it would be so. Of course, the Mayans didn’t say anything of the sort and to believe so represented a gross misunderstanding of their culture, but hey, it inspired a John Cusack movie that certainly was…um…a movie that existed.

-Broadcaster Harold Camping said that devastating earthquakes would take place on May 21, 2011. Then he said they’d happen on October 21. Then he retired and passed away and we didn’t get any more revisions. Aw, shoot.

-Pat Robertson himself called his shot in the book The New Millennium, claiming that April 29, 2007 would be the the last day for the human race. Unlike Babe Ruth though, his call didn’t work out and he metaphorically struck out like Casey at the Bat.

-And because round numbers are scary, people were predicting that the world would end in the year 2000, from everyone terrified of Y2K (though the problem was mostly fixed by the New Year and thus there weren’t many issues by the time the year changed) to Jerry Falwell pronouncing that God would pass judgment on this day.

And that’s just SOME of the apocalypses that were supposed to have happened in the past 20 years! If you wanna keep digging back into history, we could go over hundreds and hundreds of apocalypses that were supposed to happen, from Nostradamus’ shots in the dark, to theologians calling that the world would end in the year 500 based on the dimensions of Noah’s Ark, to back even further…

You get the idea. Whenever something happens, people will find a way to make an apocalypse out of it.

COVID-19 is very, very serious. People should take care of themselves, especially to take care of others with compromised immune systems and the elderly. They are counting on us, so for their sake, do your part.

But don’t pay attention to anyone who tries to spin this as a harbinger for the end times. They don’t know what they’re talking about and want attention. We can deal with this. We know what to do, and we can do it. All of us, together. This isn’t an apocalypse, this is a problem. And a problem we CAN solve.

Now, let’s save some lives by staying home and watching Netflix.

Credit to Grendel of the amazing WTFHistory for her 2012 “History of the End of the World” video which inspired this.

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