Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Stars Speak: April 2023

“It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

Dear readers,

As springtime on the planet signals a time of rebirth, new life bursting from old roots, and the sweet wonder of nature following its own orderly course, so too does springtime in the heavens as it offers the promises of new insights, fresh starts and the blessed comfort in observing the orderliness of change. The theme for April, is all about transformation, as the month begins with Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius, and Jupiter conjunct the transiting Sun and Mercury, at odds with transiting Mars, the planet of action. Change is always imminent, the opportunities always there to reinvent ourselves.

Sun continues in assertive Aries The month continues as the sun transits in the zodiac sign of Aries until April 20, sun in Aries is fierce, in that it creates a sense of power, determination and stamina. Its conjunction to transiting Jupiter magnifies the intensity of its potency. In sync with transiting Pluto, now in Aquarius, will help us to feel less restricted and more at ease with ourselves as with others: a favorable aspect for those born under Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Also, depending on where it is taking place in your chart, it will also bring favorable results.

Full moon in Libra – April 6, a full moon in Libra on April 6, (opposite the sun in Aries), will affect people born with personal planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn most significantly. A full moon reinforces the completion of something. This in particular can be peaceful (depending on what is taking place in our own charts). The Aries-Libra polarity is interesting in that Aries rules “the self” and Libra represents “partners.” Aries is strong willed and determined, and Libra is all about keeping the peace and compromise. As this particular full moon is taking place in the balanced, partnership sign of Libra, partnerships both work and personal would be most affected. It’s a good time to clear the air with unresolved matters and keep temperament in check.

New moon on April 20: get your energies in gear. The sizzling, confidence-building Aries new moon on April 20 expresses itself through determination and ego. Here we are ready to align deeply with our truth and what we love and move with it. New worlds opening up for us, with Pluto in favor, energizes us. The universe is supporting forward movement and growth. It’s all about motivation, new ideas and increased physical activity. Impatience can be an issue, so take a step back before taking on too much. Generally, the effect of a new moon begins a week before and can last up to a week after. This is generally a great time to eliminate bad habits, begin a fresh start and re-invent if need be. Those born under the sign of Aries will feel energized while those born under Libra are affected through partners. Cancer and Capricorn will feel a sense of restlessness in home and/or work. Nonetheless, wherever the new moon falls in your birth chart, based on time of birth, is an indicator of where the influence is most significant.

Mercury in retrograde: April 21 in Taurus until May 15. Moving retrograde in the fixed stubborn sign of Taurus, this is a good time to rethink old patterns, old habits, though not a good period to implement. However, a good cycle in which to plan accordingly, then full speed ahead after May 3. Those born under Virgo, Gemini and Taurus may feel the confusion of this transit. Others may be affected by how it is taking place in your own charts.

Venus, the planet of grace, is in Venus-ruled Taurus until April 11. As Venus continues in the creative, eloquent sign of Taurus we are naturally reminded of beauty on its highest level. Its influence goes without saying as it creates a harmonious balance to transiting Mars, Saturn and the sun. An excellent cycle for getting in shape, adopting beauty regimens or being more creative. 

Venus moves into Gemini April 11. We feel more carefree and less inclined to be graceful as our communication becomes flute-like in its expressiveness. Humor becomes a mode of style, and we find ourselves more social and less hindered by routine and old habits. Its balance to transiting Pluto, sun, and Mars creates an amazing vortex of energy. 

Pluto, the planet of transformation: Pluto’s ingress into the innovative, unconventional sign of Aquarius is huge. It takes Pluto 248 years to go around the sun. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was 1778-1798, huge changes occurred. Our American constitution was written when Pluto was in Aquarius. Pluto changes sign every 20 years or so, its impact profound. Moving into Aquarius for only three months, then back into Capricorn for the duration of 2023, then back into Aquarius, where it will remain until January 2044. Pluto moving into Aquarius is revolutionary to say the least. It relates to society as a whole and technology on a greater scale. For those born under Aquarius, Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces and Aries, this will be a major shift for the better. For others, your time of birth will determine its importance. 


HIGHLIGHTING ARIES (March 21 – April 20) Pluto, the planet of transformation, transiting in sync with your own sign, awakens social relationships, drawing your energy outward. Partnerships both new and existing take on a new perspective, your outlook one of optimism. Also, financial and work-related matters lighten up, as you begin to feel more at ease. Details are less tedious. Your perspective is less complicated. 

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21) Definitive changes within the confines of work and home may feel overwhelming, though in the end, it all works out. In addition, alleviate stress by getting yourself back on the fitness track. Taking the time, rearranging your routine, and focusing on health is paramount at this time. Your approach to life has always been about patience, and routine. So keep the momentum going. 

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21) Speculation may run high this month as your prospects for luck are definitely in your wheelhouse. Interestingly enough this can also relate to love matters. Be open and receptive, though at the same time guard your heart with armor. And as always, keep your eye on the ending result. 

CANCER (June 22 – July 23) This month, pay attention to your instincts, while taking a personal inventory of everyday situations. Your sensitive, keen, insightful nature is all about pleasing and putting others first. At this time, it’s more about taking the necessary time to reset your goals. Also family related obligations can be pressing, so pace yourself if need be. Work and finances seem to be steady. It’s all in the process. 

LEO (July 24 – August 23) Career decisions? Changing jobs? At this time, you may feel a need to break loose. So, with due diligence, putting yourself out there may increase your chance of accomplishing your ultimate goal. Also, your love life may shift in a more positive direction, as you approach sensitive matters from a different angle. The ball is in your court. It’s how you play the same. 

VIRGO (August 24 – September 23) For most Virgos, stability is a key factor. Therefore, during this particular time, it’s important to pay attention to instincts. Listening to your inner voice can put thoughts into perspective. As Saturn occupies your seventh house of union, your connection with those closest to you is tested. In addition, though logical as you are, emotions can still run rampant. So pull back if need be and maintain your center. 

LIBRA (September 24-October 23) During the next few weeks, be careful when making major work or personal decisions. Specifically, this is a period in which your logic counts, and your heart is put on the back burner. Taking time to step back and reassess is crucial. Matters of the heart should flourish, as long as you maintain your part. 

SCORPIO (October 24 – November 22) As transits go, this is a time to clean house, letting go of personal baggage. It’s a period in which you sort through any unresolved matters that need attention: a healing period as well as a time of clarification. Changes within the confines of your home indicate a time to take a step back and reexamine your present circumstances. 

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 21) So much of your life depends on what you give to others. Having a better concept of your own needs and priorities can create a better understanding of yourself. Changes are definite but much for the better as friendships and close alliances shift directions. Taking the time to look at those closest to you can alter your perspective and create much needed balance. 

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 20) Planetary influences at this time highlight finances as well as career aspirations. Seeking newfound goals for a more profitable outcome is in the cards. Pluto now in transit of your money house is a win/win. Saturn in transit of your area of communication highlights self awareness, adding a better platform to work with. 

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 19) Your existence at this time brings you into a higher thinking of awareness. More introspection, intuition at its best, heightens your sensitivity process. To some degree you may feel as though you are totally lost in your head. This is a good time to just sit and reflect or to look at life from a different perspective. This is actually your time for a new beginning in most areas.  

PISCES (February 20 – March 20) Hitting the personal sector of your chart, life as you know it undergoes a complete shift. Hopefully, much for the better as your relationships take on a more serious tone. During this time, you may find yourself letting go of obstacles that have barricaded your path. So, in many ways this can be a maturity cycle. Much for the better. 

Janet Amid is a columnist and radio and media personality who can be heard Monday mornings from 8:10-8:20am with Denny, Suzi and Paul on 93.5 FM. Text or call 419-240-1935 as she takes astrological questions and requests! Every second Wednesday on 96.7 CLASSIC HITS with Keith and Dawn. Call 1-888-561-2837 every other Wednesday morning from 7:30-8:30am as she takes calls live. Contact Janet Amid at 419-882-5510 or at [email protected].


“It is spring again. The earth is like a child that knows poems by heart.” – Rainer Maria Rilke

Dear readers,

As springtime on the planet signals a time of rebirth, new life bursting from old roots, and the sweet wonder of nature following its own orderly course, so too does springtime in the heavens as it offers the promises of new insights, fresh starts and the blessed comfort in observing the orderliness of change. The theme for April, is all about transformation, as the month begins with Pluto’s entrance into Aquarius, and Jupiter conjunct the transiting Sun and Mercury, at odds with transiting Mars, the planet of action. Change is always imminent, the opportunities always there to reinvent ourselves.

Sun continues in assertive Aries The month continues as the sun transits in the zodiac sign of Aries until April 20, sun in Aries is fierce, in that it creates a sense of power, determination and stamina. Its conjunction to transiting Jupiter magnifies the intensity of its potency. In sync with transiting Pluto, now in Aquarius, will help us to feel less restricted and more at ease with ourselves as with others: a favorable aspect for those born under Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Also, depending on where it is taking place in your chart, it will also bring favorable results.

Full moon in Libra – April 6, a full moon in Libra on April 6, (opposite the sun in Aries), will affect people born with personal planets in Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn most significantly. A full moon reinforces the completion of something. This in particular can be peaceful (depending on what is taking place in our own charts). The Aries-Libra polarity is interesting in that Aries rules “the self” and Libra represents “partners.” Aries is strong willed and determined, and Libra is all about keeping the peace and compromise. As this particular full moon is taking place in the balanced, partnership sign of Libra, partnerships both work and personal would be most affected. It’s a good time to clear the air with unresolved matters and keep temperament in check.

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New moon on April 20: get your energies in gear. The sizzling, confidence-building Aries new moon on April 20 expresses itself through determination and ego. Here we are ready to align deeply with our truth and what we love and move with it. New worlds opening up for us, with Pluto in favor, energizes us. The universe is supporting forward movement and growth. It’s all about motivation, new ideas and increased physical activity. Impatience can be an issue, so take a step back before taking on too much. Generally, the effect of a new moon begins a week before and can last up to a week after. This is generally a great time to eliminate bad habits, begin a fresh start and re-invent if need be. Those born under the sign of Aries will feel energized while those born under Libra are affected through partners. Cancer and Capricorn will feel a sense of restlessness in home and/or work. Nonetheless, wherever the new moon falls in your birth chart, based on time of birth, is an indicator of where the influence is most significant.

Mercury in retrograde: April 21 in Taurus until May 15. Moving retrograde in the fixed stubborn sign of Taurus, this is a good time to rethink old patterns, old habits, though not a good period to implement. However, a good cycle in which to plan accordingly, then full speed ahead after May 3. Those born under Virgo, Gemini and Taurus may feel the confusion of this transit. Others may be affected by how it is taking place in your own charts.

Venus, the planet of grace, is in Venus-ruled Taurus until April 11. As Venus continues in the creative, eloquent sign of Taurus we are naturally reminded of beauty on its highest level. Its influence goes without saying as it creates a harmonious balance to transiting Mars, Saturn and the sun. An excellent cycle for getting in shape, adopting beauty regimens or being more creative. 

Venus moves into Gemini April 11. We feel more carefree and less inclined to be graceful as our communication becomes flute-like in its expressiveness. Humor becomes a mode of style, and we find ourselves more social and less hindered by routine and old habits. Its balance to transiting Pluto, sun, and Mars creates an amazing vortex of energy. 

Pluto, the planet of transformation: Pluto’s ingress into the innovative, unconventional sign of Aquarius is huge. It takes Pluto 248 years to go around the sun. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was 1778-1798, huge changes occurred. Our American constitution was written when Pluto was in Aquarius. Pluto changes sign every 20 years or so, its impact profound. Moving into Aquarius for only three months, then back into Capricorn for the duration of 2023, then back into Aquarius, where it will remain until January 2044. Pluto moving into Aquarius is revolutionary to say the least. It relates to society as a whole and technology on a greater scale. For those born under Aquarius, Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces and Aries, this will be a major shift for the better. For others, your time of birth will determine its importance. 


HIGHLIGHTING ARIES (March 21 – April 20) Pluto, the planet of transformation, transiting in sync with your own sign, awakens social relationships, drawing your energy outward. Partnerships both new and existing take on a new perspective, your outlook one of optimism. Also, financial and work-related matters lighten up, as you begin to feel more at ease. Details are less tedious. Your perspective is less complicated. 

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21) Definitive changes within the confines of work and home may feel overwhelming, though in the end, it all works out. In addition, alleviate stress by getting yourself back on the fitness track. Taking the time, rearranging your routine, and focusing on health is paramount at this time. Your approach to life has always been about patience, and routine. So keep the momentum going. 

GEMINI (May 22 – June 21) Speculation may run high this month as your prospects for luck are definitely in your wheelhouse. Interestingly enough this can also relate to love matters. Be open and receptive, though at the same time guard your heart with armor. And as always, keep your eye on the ending result. 

CANCER (June 22 – July 23) This month, pay attention to your instincts, while taking a personal inventory of everyday situations. Your sensitive, keen, insightful nature is all about pleasing and putting others first. At this time, it’s more about taking the necessary time to reset your goals. Also family related obligations can be pressing, so pace yourself if need be. Work and finances seem to be steady. It’s all in the process. 

LEO (July 24 – August 23) Career decisions? Changing jobs? At this time, you may feel a need to break loose. So, with due diligence, putting yourself out there may increase your chance of accomplishing your ultimate goal. Also, your love life may shift in a more positive direction, as you approach sensitive matters from a different angle. The ball is in your court. It’s how you play the same. 

VIRGO (August 24 – September 23) For most Virgos, stability is a key factor. Therefore, during this particular time, it’s important to pay attention to instincts. Listening to your inner voice can put thoughts into perspective. As Saturn occupies your seventh house of union, your connection with those closest to you is tested. In addition, though logical as you are, emotions can still run rampant. So pull back if need be and maintain your center. 

LIBRA (September 24-October 23) During the next few weeks, be careful when making major work or personal decisions. Specifically, this is a period in which your logic counts, and your heart is put on the back burner. Taking time to step back and reassess is crucial. Matters of the heart should flourish, as long as you maintain your part. 

SCORPIO (October 24 – November 22) As transits go, this is a time to clean house, letting go of personal baggage. It’s a period in which you sort through any unresolved matters that need attention: a healing period as well as a time of clarification. Changes within the confines of your home indicate a time to take a step back and reexamine your present circumstances. 

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 21) So much of your life depends on what you give to others. Having a better concept of your own needs and priorities can create a better understanding of yourself. Changes are definite but much for the better as friendships and close alliances shift directions. Taking the time to look at those closest to you can alter your perspective and create much needed balance. 

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 20) Planetary influences at this time highlight finances as well as career aspirations. Seeking newfound goals for a more profitable outcome is in the cards. Pluto now in transit of your money house is a win/win. Saturn in transit of your area of communication highlights self awareness, adding a better platform to work with. 

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 19) Your existence at this time brings you into a higher thinking of awareness. More introspection, intuition at its best, heightens your sensitivity process. To some degree you may feel as though you are totally lost in your head. This is a good time to just sit and reflect or to look at life from a different perspective. This is actually your time for a new beginning in most areas.  

PISCES (February 20 – March 20) Hitting the personal sector of your chart, life as you know it undergoes a complete shift. Hopefully, much for the better as your relationships take on a more serious tone. During this time, you may find yourself letting go of obstacles that have barricaded your path. So, in many ways this can be a maturity cycle. Much for the better. 

Janet Amid is a columnist and radio and media personality who can be heard Monday mornings from 8:10-8:20am with Denny, Suzi and Paul on 93.5 FM. Text or call 419-240-1935 as she takes astrological questions and requests! Every second Wednesday on 96.7 CLASSIC HITS with Keith and Dawn. Call 1-888-561-2837 every other Wednesday morning from 7:30-8:30am as she takes calls live. Contact Janet Amid at 419-882-5510 or at [email protected].


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