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Astrology July 2024

CANCER – (June 21 – July 20)

Focusing on those around you while trying to maintain a sense of order in your own world can be difficult, yet manageable, as the New Moon heightens your keen sense of motivation. In addition, work relationships can flourish at this time as you see yourself more in-tuned with those around you. Along with the Full Moon occurring in your area of partners, taking the right amount of time and effort can benefit greatly down the road. Plus money could flourish as both Venus and the transiting Sun chime harmoniously with your own sign.

ARIES – (March 20 – April 19)

Your creative instincts are on alert this month – time to get your juices flowing. Also, romance beckons as matters of the heart are in full swing. In addition, speculation can be chancy, yet somewhat advantageous. Also, as Saturn transits the private sector of your birth chart, your intuition is at its best. So trust that your inner voice is speaking to you. Go with it. In addition, the New Moon on the 5th in the home front focuses on your inner surroundings, while the Full Moon at your mid-haven highlights career aspirations. You may feel the tug-pull of the planets, so it’s best to coast. Go with the flow.

TAURUS – (April 20 – May 20)

During a 9th house Full Moon, instincts ignite curiosity beckons. In addition, you may find yourself taking on new and unique reading material, jotting down ideas, and/or merely trying out some new form of meditation. Either way, this is your month to get into Zen. Also, as Venus moves into the flamboyant sign of Leo on the 12th, you may have a sudden impulse to become more vigilant in your home space. The desire to remodel, or merely do something spontaneous or outrageous is expressed.  

GEMINI – (May 21 – June 20)

As always with Geminis, it’s either sink or swim when it comes down to money. You may find yourself way on top of the financial pinnacle, or down to your last dime. Moreover, as this month’s New Moon occurs in your money house, you may be riding high, though pay caution as it can be a bit unpredictable. However, on a more positive note, the Sun and transiting Venus favorably harmonize you, bringing to light positive results with most personal endeavors. Primarily, work related. This can be your month to excel. Push forth if you must but with a steady pace.

LEO – (July 22 – Aug 22)

With so much planetary cosmic energy, it would serve you well to take care of your TO-DO list. This is an excellent time to motivate yourself, in various areas. Try a new health regimen, and/or get a healthy food list going. Break old habits. Start fresh with new and better ideas to keep you on track. Also, a good month to try your hand at chance-taking. If you must, be adventurous, but hang on tight.

VIRGO – (Aug 23 – Sept 22)

As frugal as you are, spending a little cash this month may be out of your comfort zone. However, it may be an ideal time to splurge on something you have been yearning for. In addition, exploring something fun and different, taking you out of your wheelhouse can be an adventure. Nonetheless, emotions can run high, it’s up to you to set the standards. In addition to all of this, letting go of the past and cleaning your mental house is a must at this time.

RELATED: Astrology June 2024

LIBRA – (Sept 23 – Oct 22)

Your home and work life may be a bit unpredictable this month, as you continue to seek balance. Also, a romanticist at heart, tapping into your heartstrings is right in your wheelhouse. Open yourself up to the signals being given. In addition to all of this, this may be your month to do something creative or try your hand at something outside of your comfort zone.

SCORPIO – (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Though quiet and somewhat secretive by nature, you may find yourself more communicative than usual. This month’s planetary setup opens the line of communication, specifically with friends/co-workers. Also, work matters may be pressing, obligations overwhelming and a need to change or do something outside of your wheelhouse summons you. Best to sit back, and stay on your given path. Also, a strong bonding period for you as you see yourself more receptive to those around you. In addition, a good month to tap into your more intuitive side.

SAGITTARIUS – (Nov 22 – Dec 20)

As always with Sags, your need to set some healthy limits/boundaries is indicated. This month’s planetary setup is all about tapping into your higher self, staying proactive, focusing on work and career obligations and getting it right. Also, personal matters become a major priority. This can be your month to accomplish all you set out to do, mainly with work and family. It’s a win/win. Good for the soul.

CAPRICORN – (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

You may find yourself in the limelight this month, focusing on given priorities, mainly work and money. A strong, productive month for putting your best foot forward in the workplace, and feeling the power that embraces you. This month’s setup with the New Moon in your area of partners, along with the Full Moon in your own sign, you may be spinning in a circle, but in the end, it balances out. Financially, you should be in good shape. Never to worry – you’re always in control.

AQUARIUS – (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

A strong month for emotions and sentiment as you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by what is expected of you. A good period to reconnect and stay connected. Also, with Saturn in retrograde in your money house, you may feel more cautious, though keeping an eye open is key. Nonetheless, this is your month to be the best you can be, while trying desperately to keep up with your own pace.

PISCES (Feb 19 – March 19)

The social sector of your chart is lit up this month. A great month to fill up your dance card. Also, health and fitness seem to be a priority, paying attention to your body’s signals. Getting ahead of your money matters stands out, and with good cause. A good period for creative outlets. Taking time out for family and friends can go a long way. This month highlights you!

CANCER – (June 21 – July 20)

Focusing on those around you while trying to maintain a sense of order in your own world can be difficult, yet manageable, as the New Moon heightens your keen sense of motivation. In addition, work relationships can flourish at this time as you see yourself more in-tuned with those around you. Along with the Full Moon occurring in your area of partners, taking the right amount of time and effort can benefit greatly down the road. Plus money could flourish as both Venus and the transiting Sun chime harmoniously with your own sign.

ARIES – (March 20 – April 19)

Your creative instincts are on alert this month – time to get your juices flowing. Also, romance beckons as matters of the heart are in full swing. In addition, speculation can be chancy, yet somewhat advantageous. Also, as Saturn transits the private sector of your birth chart, your intuition is at its best. So trust that your inner voice is speaking to you. Go with it. In addition, the New Moon on the 5th in the home front focuses on your inner surroundings, while the Full Moon at your mid-haven highlights career aspirations. You may feel the tug-pull of the planets, so it’s best to coast. Go with the flow.

TAURUS – (April 20 – May 20)

During a 9th house Full Moon, instincts ignite curiosity beckons. In addition, you may find yourself taking on new and unique reading material, jotting down ideas, and/or merely trying out some new form of meditation. Either way, this is your month to get into Zen. Also, as Venus moves into the flamboyant sign of Leo on the 12th, you may have a sudden impulse to become more vigilant in your home space. The desire to remodel, or merely do something spontaneous or outrageous is expressed.  

GEMINI – (May 21 – June 20)

As always with Geminis, it’s either sink or swim when it comes down to money. You may find yourself way on top of the financial pinnacle, or down to your last dime. Moreover, as this month’s New Moon occurs in your money house, you may be riding high, though pay caution as it can be a bit unpredictable. However, on a more positive note, the Sun and transiting Venus favorably harmonize you, bringing to light positive results with most personal endeavors. Primarily, work related. This can be your month to excel. Push forth if you must but with a steady pace.

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LEO – (July 22 – Aug 22)

With so much planetary cosmic energy, it would serve you well to take care of your TO-DO list. This is an excellent time to motivate yourself, in various areas. Try a new health regimen, and/or get a healthy food list going. Break old habits. Start fresh with new and better ideas to keep you on track. Also, a good month to try your hand at chance-taking. If you must, be adventurous, but hang on tight.

VIRGO – (Aug 23 – Sept 22)

As frugal as you are, spending a little cash this month may be out of your comfort zone. However, it may be an ideal time to splurge on something you have been yearning for. In addition, exploring something fun and different, taking you out of your wheelhouse can be an adventure. Nonetheless, emotions can run high, it’s up to you to set the standards. In addition to all of this, letting go of the past and cleaning your mental house is a must at this time.

RELATED: Astrology June 2024

LIBRA – (Sept 23 – Oct 22)

Your home and work life may be a bit unpredictable this month, as you continue to seek balance. Also, a romanticist at heart, tapping into your heartstrings is right in your wheelhouse. Open yourself up to the signals being given. In addition to all of this, this may be your month to do something creative or try your hand at something outside of your comfort zone.

SCORPIO – (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Though quiet and somewhat secretive by nature, you may find yourself more communicative than usual. This month’s planetary setup opens the line of communication, specifically with friends/co-workers. Also, work matters may be pressing, obligations overwhelming and a need to change or do something outside of your wheelhouse summons you. Best to sit back, and stay on your given path. Also, a strong bonding period for you as you see yourself more receptive to those around you. In addition, a good month to tap into your more intuitive side.

SAGITTARIUS – (Nov 22 – Dec 20)

As always with Sags, your need to set some healthy limits/boundaries is indicated. This month’s planetary setup is all about tapping into your higher self, staying proactive, focusing on work and career obligations and getting it right. Also, personal matters become a major priority. This can be your month to accomplish all you set out to do, mainly with work and family. It’s a win/win. Good for the soul.

CAPRICORN – (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

You may find yourself in the limelight this month, focusing on given priorities, mainly work and money. A strong, productive month for putting your best foot forward in the workplace, and feeling the power that embraces you. This month’s setup with the New Moon in your area of partners, along with the Full Moon in your own sign, you may be spinning in a circle, but in the end, it balances out. Financially, you should be in good shape. Never to worry – you’re always in control.

AQUARIUS – (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

A strong month for emotions and sentiment as you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by what is expected of you. A good period to reconnect and stay connected. Also, with Saturn in retrograde in your money house, you may feel more cautious, though keeping an eye open is key. Nonetheless, this is your month to be the best you can be, while trying desperately to keep up with your own pace.

PISCES (Feb 19 – March 19)

The social sector of your chart is lit up this month. A great month to fill up your dance card. Also, health and fitness seem to be a priority, paying attention to your body’s signals. Getting ahead of your money matters stands out, and with good cause. A good period for creative outlets. Taking time out for family and friends can go a long way. This month highlights you!

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